Monica Corrado Helps Students Achieve Their Best Eating Habits, Well-Being

Monica at Athenry Farm

“It was a power packed mind blowing learning experience and I loved it!”

So says Elaine Boland—blogger and owner of Fields of Athenry Farm—of a cooking class. Chances are high that when a cooking class is described as “a mind blowing learning experience,” Monica Corrado taught it.

Boland was so impressed with what she learned at Corrado’s “Cooking for Well-Being” class that she invited Monica to help her teach a full course of classes at her farm. She then wrote about the experience in a wonderful blog post titled “The ongoing journey towards Good. Better. Best.” They make a good pair: Boland writes movingly about what it takes to change your eating habits and transform your life, and Corrado’s classes and books help you do just that.

Corrado is the author of With Love from Grandmothers Kitchen and creator of these whimsical, wonderful kitchen charts. Throughout her career, she’s devoted herself to helping both children and adults reclaim their natural well-being through nourishing traditional food—especially those who suffer from ASD, AD/HD, Asperger’s, allergies and auto-immune disorders. Now she has a soon-to-be-released new book coming out: Cooking Techniques for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, Part I: Meat Stock and Bone Broth.

Not quite a cookbook and not quite culinary class, Corrado’s latest offering brings some much-needed clarity to a topic that mystifies many people on the GAPS diet—meat stock and bone broth. She explains when you make them. How you make them. Why you make them. And, crucially, why mixing them up can lead to unhealthy consequences, sometimes even aggravated symptoms.

Cooking Techniques for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, coming soon from Selene River Press, is destined to join the list of essential GAPS books, along with Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (who also provides the introduction) and The Heal Your Gut Cookbook by Hilary Boynton and Mary G. Brackett.

These volumes have inspired many people to improve their eating habits and their health—but some of us feel a healthy dose of intimidation as well. We harbor a nagging little question: Can I really do this?

Yes! Step by step, Monica Corrado will show you how.

Photo courtesy of Fields of Athenry Farm

Heather Wilkinson

Heather Wilkinson is Senior Editor at Selene River Press.

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