Category Archives: Practitioner’s Corner

Royal Principles:

We live in the universe on a living planet with the ability to move about and breath in a live body. B.J. Palmer declared, “The Power that made the body, heals the body.” Let’s consider how the first human being was created from the Dirt of the earth. He was created with a nervous system […]

Let’s Celebrate an Independent Mind on Independence Day

A peek at my calendar tells me that Independence Day, my third favorite holiday, is rapidly approaching. Have you noticed that independent thought is a bulwark of the Selene River Press Historical Archives? I sure have. It is an especially strong current in Dr. Royal Lee’s Applied Trophology newsletter, which he published every month from […]

Warriors of Wellness

This past month of February, we celebrated Black History Month in the United States. As chiropractors, we have the great honor to celebrate our heritage from D.D. Palmer and his first patient, Harvey Lillard. Harvey Lillard, an African American, operated a janitorial service in the Ryan Building in Davenport, Iowa. When, in September 1895, D.D. […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
2 Point Muscle Testing

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. Dr. Keppel demonstrates the 2 point muscle testing method in the video demo below. This video should be watched after Static 2 Pointing. The Static 2 Pointing video should be viewed before the Supplement Muscle Testing […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Indicator Muscle Test

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. The “Indicator muscle” is the basis for MRA muscle testing. When you have an “intact” and you contact a reflex, now the muscle response changes. That change indicates that there is disruption of the neuro-physiology, which […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Hidden Reflex

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. Dr. Keppel demonstrates the hidden reflex test to try when other tests are not providing answers. See the quick two minute demonstration video below.

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Hiatal Hernia & Rib Torque

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. This is the hiatal hernia or GERD area. It’s a very common problem! Always check for this on when the patient presents with any stomach issues. The nutritional support for the hiatal hernia is Zypan for […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Zinc Taste Test

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. This is a very simple and quick test that should be done on a regular basis in the office, about every month or two. The test shows what nutritional needs your patient has based on diet […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Static 2 Pointing & Supplement Muscle Testing

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. Dr. Keppel demonstrates two important testing methods below. The Static 2 Pointing video should be viewed before the Supplement Muscle Testing video as it lays the foundation and rational for the supplement muscle testing video. Static […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Iodine Test

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. Iodine Test Iodine is essential for many functions in the body. It makes the thyroid hormone and is essential for the body’s immune alliance. Many people are iodine deficient. If you have a Standard Process Clinical […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Leg Checking

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. Leg Check In this demo video Dr. Keppel promotes leg checking to figure out what patients need for supplements if you, as the practitioner, already have an idea of what you want to do with them. […]

A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Calcium Cuff Test

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess nutrition and adjustment needs. Calcium Cuff Test The calcium cuff test is so important and easy to perform. Why is it important you ask? Because there is more calcium in the body than all the other minerals combined! Calcium is […]

Health Rangers # 10:
They Called Me Fat Head

Welcome to “Health Rangers” written by Dr. Michael Dority. This captivating series is based on the fictitious characters Dr. Lee Palmer and Dr. Royal Bart. Each short post will reveal a new topic on the idea of Only You Can Protect Your Health. Practitioners can print and handout each post from the link at the […]

Royal Principles:
It Takes Heart to Have Courage

Have you every had the feeling of your heart skipping a beat? Have you ever had an experience of feeling like your heart is in your throat? Or you feel like you just can’t go on? Do you feel like you are vulnerable to defeat physically, mentally, and emotionally? Do you feel like you have […]

Health Rangers# 9:
Preparing for Health

Welcome to “Health Rangers” written by Dr. Michael Dority. This captivating series is based on the fictitious characters Dr. Lee Palmer and Dr. Royal Bart. Each short post will reveal a new topic on the idea of Only You Can Protect Your Health. Practitioners can print and handout each post from the link at the […]

Royal Principles:
You and I Are More Than Meets the Eye

Do you have a bird feeder in your yard? Imagine peeking out the window of your house to watch a robin perched on the bird feeder and, under it, a blue jay pecking on the patio. They are both eating the same bird feed yet singing a different song. We can all wonder and marvel […]

Health Rangers #8:
It’s All in the DNA

Welcome to “Health Rangers” written by Dr. Michael Dority. This captivating series is based on the fictitious characters Dr. Lee Palmer and Dr. Royal Bart. Each short post will reveal a new topic on the idea of Only You Can Protect Your Health. Practitioners can print and handout each post from the link at the […]

Royal Principles:
Celebrating Independence Day with the Creative Power of Four

The United States of America celebrates its independence on the Fourth of July. Our nation was brought forth on the fourth to be a light of freedom to the world. It is a wonderful and worthy cause to celebrate, remembering the many blessings we enjoy from the creation of the United States of America. There […]

Health Rangers #7:
Build Your Home

Welcome to “Health Rangers” written by Dr. Michael Dority. This captivating series is based on the fictitious characters Dr. Lee Palmer and Dr. Royal Bart. Each short post will reveal a new topic on the idea of Only You Can Protect Your Health. Practitioners can print and handout each post from the link at the […]

Royal Principles:
Stand Up Straight (Like My Mother Always Said)

The body is a structural wonder. The spinal column, bony yet flexible, encases the nervous system. Together, they provide coordination and support that allows all movement. In utero, the spine forms in a C-shaped configuration. As we grow and move into an upright posture, the spine develops into a balanced S-shaped posture, with the skull […]