Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

Easy Liver Paté for All (with GAPS Stages)!

Liver is known as “king of the organs” for the multitude of functions it performs in the body. According to Johns Hopkins, this organ performs 500 vital functions, from producing bile and all-important cholesterol to converting excess glucose into glycogen and so much more. Liver is also a superfood. In fact, it is the most […]

Monica Corrado Author Demo:
Meat Stock Equipment

Welcome to the latest installment of our Selene River Press author demonstration videos. This time around Monica Corrado, the “GAPS chef” herself, gives SRP managing editor Danielle LeBaron a demonstration of the equipment you need to prepare Meat Stock. Enjoy! To watch the demonstration, click here or see the video at the end of this post. Danielle […]

Monica Corrado Author Demo:

Welcome to the latest installment of our Selene River Press author demonstration videos. This time around Monica Corrado, the “GAPS chef” herself, gives SRP managing editor Danielle LeBaron a lesson in dripping whey. Enjoy! To watch the demonstration, click here or see the video at the end of this post. Danielle LeBaron. Hello and welcome […]

Summertime Sauerbraten:
Sweet and Sour Pot Roast, Swabian Style

It’s summertime, and the living is easy. Well, that is, for some of us. In my neck of the woods, summer has only just begun, which means that family and friends will be visiting often. I can hear you saying, “What do you serve summertime guests?” And, while I do like BBQ, I get tired […]

Later-in-Life Relationships
(plus my Makes-Its-Own-Crust Coconut Custard Pie)

Fifty years ago, Katharine Hepburn said, “Men and women should live next door to each other and visit occasionally.” In some circles, this idea isn’t revolutionary or new, and today the sentiment seems to be making a comeback. Is everything old new again? The subject of later-in-life relationships is so hot that it got a […]

Irish Coddle (Dublin Pork Stew)

Many years ago, I asked my Ireland-born mother-in-law why she didn’t make an Irish beef stew. Her answer was that beef wasn’t plentiful in County Kerry, where she grew up. They had pigs and sheep and lots of fish (which, ironically, Mary Clifford Quinn did not like.) But beef, and therefore roasts and steaks, were […]

Corn Casserole:
My Adventure on South Padre Island

It’s winter up in the Rocky Mountain highlands where I make my home. And those in the know, know that I fractured my ankle over Thanksgiving on a hike I’d completed—totally unscathed—many times. Even though I had to wear a boot for about six weeks after the injury, I took the opportunity to recover on […]

SRP Practitioner Interviews:
Meet the GAPS Chef, Monica Corrado

SRP Managing Editor Danielle LeBaron is kicking off our new series, Selene River Press Practitioner Interviews, with speaker, author, and teacher Monica Corrado. The two recently sat down for a wide-ranging discussion about food, inspiration, and the fascinating path Monica’s life has taken. Currently working on the second edition of her masterful book, The Complete […]

The Tale of a Woman with a Fractured Fibula, and Slow-Cooker Tips for Getting Through It

On a warmish, balmy Thanksgiving afternoon, I took a long hike while the turkey roasted in all of its unhurried glory. The sides—stuffing, fresh orange-cranberry relish, potatoes in ice water, ready to be boiled—were prepared the day before. This always makes the cook’s life easier on a “last minute” kind of cooking day. (But that’s […]

Gourmet Cheese Board:
A New Tradition for Christmas Giving

It’s a Charlie Brown Christmas…I can almost hear those soft children’s voices singing “Christmas time is near.” This one song brings so many feelings of warmth and generosity, family and friends, delicious aromas and hopes for a brighter future. Don’t you love these feelings too? This is a perfect time to begin a wonderful new […]

It’s Autumn Again

I love this time of year, when Halloween is over but before we really start thinking about the big three holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Although these are festive occasions, they can also be downright hectic because they hit us in a row. But the holidays are simply the best time of year to […]

Now More than Ever—Raw Milk!

A few years ago, Stephanie Selene Anderson, a very wise woman who also happens to be my publisher and friend, strongly suggested to me that I write about the difference between cultured dairy products (namely yogurt, kefir, and cultured cream) made from pasteurized milk and those made from raw milk. To put it simply, the […]

Beet Kvass and Cabbage Tonic:
Which, When?

It seems that the simplest things are often the most powerful. Tonics—beverages that help “tone” the body or specific systems of the body over time—are a great example. Simple and made from humble ingredients like beets and cabbage, they can be nutritional powerhouses. Beet kvass and cabbage tonic are both used in the Gut and […]

Food from the Bountiful Garden:
Corn on the Cob

In my mother’s kitchen, we would put the water on the stove to cook the corn—or what my mother called “summer’s golden child”—before it was even picked. She loved corn. I can see her face and hear her voice as she said, “Shuck it outside and be quick about it.” She delighted in the gifts […]

Foods That Tell a Story

One late August afternoon, with a chilly 60-degree breeze whizzing by me, I sat still, nearly motionless. I had that fall feeling. The end of summer was quickly approaching, bringing shorter days, earlier sunsets, and tighter schedules. Although I’m not a fan of endless sunlight, I do like the ease and freedom of long summer […]

Stuffed and Fried Squash Flowers

The last recorded song by John Prine is a beautiful ballad called “I Remember Everything,” and it says a lot to me. John Prine, a man of simple words but extreme talent, reached into the hearts of so many. At the very least, I should say that I don’t remember everything, but I do remember […]

Nana’s Sunday Tomato Sauce

Sauces define French cuisine. Although there is some debate, most sources credit Auguste Escoffier as the creator of the five French “mother” sauces: béchamel, velouté, espagnole, hollandaise, and tomato. From this original list, a plethora of secondary sauces were also created. For example, tomato sauce is one of the five sauces, but its secondary daughter […]

The Importance of Fermentation

What is fermentation, and why is it so important? Fermentation is, first and foremost, a traditional way of preserving food that has been around for millennia. The earliest evidence of fermentation dates to about 6,000 BC in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East. It is possibly the oldest method of preserving food prior […]

The Best Colcannon Recipe

I married an Irishman whose mother was from County Kerry and whose father was from Thurles, Tipperary. (Now that’s a county you’ve heard of.) I was married to my husband Bill for nearly 56 years—almost as many times as I made corned beef and cabbage for our St. Patrick’s Day tradition. Each year, I would […]