Blog Categories

What’s new in this category:

Easy Liver Paté for All (with GAPS Stages)!

Liver is known as “king of the organs” for the multitude of functions it performs [...]

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Monica Corrado Author Demo:
Meat Stock Equipment

Welcome to the latest installment of our Selene River Press author demonstration videos. This time [...]

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Monica Corrado Author Demo:

Welcome to the latest installment of our Selene River Press author demonstration videos. This time [...]

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Summertime Sauerbraten:
Sweet and Sour Pot Roast, Swabian Style

It’s summertime, and the living is easy. Well, that is, for some of us. In [...]

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Later-in-Life Relationships
(plus my Makes-Its-Own-Crust Coconut Custard Pie)

Fifty years ago, Katharine Hepburn said, “Men and women should live next door to each [...]

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Irish Coddle (Dublin Pork Stew)

Many years ago, I asked my Ireland-born mother-in-law why she didn’t make an Irish beef [...]

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What’s new in this category:

The Disappointed Dentist

I’ve got deep pockets. But before you romance scammers get too excited, you should know [...]

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A Colossal Picture of Dishonesty

“It is hard for most people to accept the colossal picture of dishonesty to be [...]

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Body Fortress, Math, and Me

Last week I needed to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy. My husband was [...]


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Your Very Own Practitioner-to-Patient Translator

Practitioners, if you know Selene River Press, you know we have an expansive catalog of [...]

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The Sum of Your Life in Action

Some days start out so promising. The coffee is good. The traffic is cooperating. You’re [...]

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Back to School for Doctors 2021: Video Contest Winners

We were excited to introduce the first-ever Back to School for Doctors Video Contest this [...]

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What’s new in this category:

Royal Principles:

We live in the universe on a living planet with the ability to move about [...]

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Let’s Celebrate an Independent Mind on Independence Day

A peek at my calendar tells me that Independence Day, my third favorite holiday, is [...]


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Warriors of Wellness

This past month of February, we celebrated Black History Month in the United States. As [...]

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A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
2 Point Muscle Testing

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess [...]

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A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Indicator Muscle Test

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess [...]

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A Keppel Demo Minutes of MRA Reflex Testing:
Hidden Reflex

Dr. Keppel demonstrates various 1-3 minute tests you can do in your office to assess [...]

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What’s new in this category:

Healthy Eating for Older People:
Loving Our Loved Ones

We often forget about older people during the holidays, and for that matter during the [...]

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The Importance of Vitamins A and D:
Nutrients You Must Have

With all the many vitamins available to us, you might wonder why I chose to [...]

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The Testosterone Angle:
Basics Facts for Men—and Yes, Even Women

Many of you are probably asking what? Why is it so important to write about [...]

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Winterizing School Age Children:
Keeping Them Well Is a Major Responsibility

School days are now in full force, with the hot summer months quickly folding into [...]

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The Art of Total Relaxation:
Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual

It may seem as if the only people who can reach this most serene state [...]

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Ignite Your Digestive Fire:
Why You Need the Intrinsic Factor

Most of you know about the importance of eating healthy raw foods such as raw [...]

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What’s new in this category:

How Nutritious Is Your Food?

With March being National Nutrition Month and all, it seems wise to examine the things [...]

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Time to Upgrade Your Heart Health Knowledge

It’s that time of year again, my friends—American Heart Month. If you’re interested in keeping [...]

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A Simple Way to Feel Good This Year

There are those who believe that when you focus on something, you bring more of [...]

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The Power of One Word in 2021

The new year has begun, and whether you’re a resolution maker or not, you likely [...]

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Build Your Cooking Confidence with This Seasonal Favorite

Whenever someone tells me that they’re not much of a cook, but they want to [...]

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The Quickest Way to a Family Connection

A lot of families are spending more time together during these days of COVID, but [...]

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What’s new in this category:

Easy Liver Paté for All (with GAPS Stages)!

Liver is known as “king of the organs” for the multitude of functions it performs [...]

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Monica Corrado Author Demo:
Meat Stock Equipment

Welcome to the latest installment of our Selene River Press author demonstration videos. This time [...]

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Monica Corrado Author Demo:

Welcome to the latest installment of our Selene River Press author demonstration videos. This time [...]

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SRP Practitioner Interviews:
Meet the GAPS Chef, Monica Corrado

SRP Managing Editor Danielle LeBaron is kicking off our new series, Selene River Press Practitioner [...]

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Now More than Ever—Raw Milk!

A few years ago, Stephanie Selene Anderson, a very wise woman who also happens to [...]

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Beet Kvass and Cabbage Tonic:
Which, When?

It seems that the simplest things are often the most powerful. Tonics—beverages that help “tone” [...]

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What’s new in this category:

Hawaiian Oxtail Soup:
Welcome the Shift to Spring with a Light, Nourishing Dish

I have yet to visit Hawaii, though I’d love to someday. Between the volcanic landscapes, [...]

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Lomo Saltado (Peruvian Beef Stir-Fry):
Fusion Cuisine at Its Finest

When it comes to food, I’m a fusion nut. I love pairings of unusual yet [...]

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Winter Citrus, Olive, and Red Onion Salad:
Brighten Up a Winter’s Day the Sun-Kissed, Seasonal Way

It’s always around mid-February that I start getting antsy for spring. Colorado is well-known for [...]

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Mexican Chori Pollo (Chorizo Chicken):
A Flavor-Packed Family Meal

As someone always looking for super simple ideas for putting a filling meal on the [...]

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Slow Cooker Steak and Vegetable Pot Pie:
Homestyle Comfort Food Made Simple

In the last month or so of winter I start feeling a bit stagnant in [...]

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Lobster and Fingerling Potatoes, Carpaccio Style:
Reimagining an Italian Classic

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many of you may be mulling over how [...]

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What’s new in this category:

Back to School for Doctors 2023
Nutrition and Physical Regeneration

Last weekend Selene River Press hosted the 2023 Back to School for Doctors and what [...]

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An In-Depth Conversation with Author Dixie Huey

Welcome to the latest installment of our Selene River Press practitioner interviews. In this interview [...]

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Happy Thanksgiving from SRP!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at SRP to you! We are so grateful for [...]

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The Latest in Palmyra:
A Standard Process Expansion

Ever wondered how nutrients are taken out of a whole food and put into a [...]

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

The Selene River Press staff will be taking the week off for the holidays. We [...]

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In Case You Missed It:
Looking Back on the SRP Blog’s Top 10

We looked back at our website stats to find the most popular posts over the [...]

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