I am sensitive. Too sensitive, some friends and family have said. Once—and only once—my husband told me that I am super sensitive. In reply, I told him he did not get to decide where the line is between normal sensitive and super sensitive. But also, he wasn’t wrong. When I was very young, I went […]
Category Archives: Editorial Insights
Before her death in 2022, Phyllis Quinn wrote a blog for SRP called “Ask Chef Phyllis.” Her blog was about food, yes, but it was also about everything food means to us—family, love, friendship, traveling. Phyllis lived a rich, full, remarkable life. She was a fantastic writer and an exceptional chef. All of these things […]
Dearest readers, a question: were you at Back to School for Doctors this year? You know, the annual event where Mark Anderson takes attendees on the deepest of deep dives into the wholistic principles of Dr. Royal Lee. When wholistic-minded practitioners and self-healthers from all over the country show to a singular event year after […]
A couple of years ago I wiped out while walking on the sidewalk. It was a bright October morning. I was not drunk or coming down from mind-altering drugs. I was simply walking a bit enthusiastically to Kilwins, to get Halloween candy—not for myself, of course, but for all the little children. I was also […]
Let’s embark on a journey of discovery. A fact-finding mission, if you will. Together, we seek to answer the not-so-simple question: “Who owns organic?” I already know the answer because I wrote this. Then again, it’s an easy guess. I refer to the usual rogue’s gallery of malfeasance-y food corporations getting up to their usual […]
I’ve got deep pockets. But before you romance scammers get too excited, you should know my deep pockets are not of the monetary kind. They are the kind of deep pockets your dental hygienist discovers, and then she snitches to your dentist, and then he comes to talk to you, while you are still wearing […]
“It is hard for most people to accept the colossal picture of dishonesty to be traced once we look into this matter of counterfeit foods. It is too late to act on the knowledge that this state exists once we become a victim of cancer, polio, heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis.” In 1956, Dr. Royal Lee […]
Last week I needed to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy. My husband was home. I occasionally adore him, so I asked him if he needed anything. “Body Fortress,” he replied. “Vanilla.” That’s when I realized my mistake. To ask my husband if he needs anything from the store is to risk losing many […]
Practitioners, if you know Selene River Press, you know we have an expansive catalog of patient education materials to boast of. That’s because we’ve been at it since 1986, and from the start our goal was to help translate practitioner knowledge into a language patients can understand. With so many titles to choose from, focusing […]
Some days start out so promising. The coffee is good. The traffic is cooperating. You’re in a singing mood for no particular reason. But then the road beneath you turns to quicksand. The guy in front of you stops suddenly, and now you’re exchanging insurance info while dabbing at the hot coffee splashed all over […]
We were excited to introduce the first-ever Back to School for Doctors Video Contest this year. We asked you to take 60 seconds to tell us about a Selene River Press product that helped to support you or your patients in some way and you did not disappoint! We were astonished with the outstanding quality […]
It’s been great hearing from practitioners, friends, and staff during our quarantine. They’ve sent me emails containing bits of humor and intelligence that you might find useful, so I’m sending this out to everyone coping with confinement in the CoronaSphere (a term coined by Bill Whittle). Please enjoy with your morning coffee. There have been […]
UPDATE November 30, 2021: A2 Milk Company under scrutiny again for crooked business practices. “The A2 Milk Company is the defendant in a proposed class action lawsuit that claims it misleadingly advertises its products as able to ease digestion for those who experience discomfort from drinking milk.” Read on! If you actually read the book […]
Scene One: I work out, so I can eat whatever I want. ~~~ Humans are weird. We spend uncountable dollars and hours on clothes, makeup, and exercise. We worship buff athletes and their athletic contests. We adore skinny models and their skinny fashions. We think vegans are the healthy eaters. We’re hooked on image—on the […]
No other event has done more to bring the teachings of the greatest nutritionist of the twentieth century, Dr. Royal Lee, to a modern audience than Mark Anderson’s Back to School for Doctors. Every year this annual seminar manages to transform Dr. Lee’s body of work into a relevant, living tradition of holistic nutrition that […]
When you think about food, do you sometimes feel like you live in two worlds at the same time? One is a colorful world of healthy food that’s full of nutrients. The other is a black-and-white world of unhealthy food that’s devoid of nutrients. In one of these worlds, bread is the staff of life. […]
If you want to be a good downhill skier, there are certain items you need to invest in. Skis, yes. Lessons, preferably. A warm hat. (Some people ski naked, but they always wear a hat.) Well, if you want to be healthy (and a stronger skier), there are six items you need to invest in: […]
SRP Founder Stephanie Anderson Interviews Diana Hermann of Zi Zai Dermatology. The skin is our hazmat suit for planet Earth. But how does it protect us from invasion by invisible microbial life forms? To start with, the skin needs two substances to be present in the GI tract: lactic acid and acetic acid. The body […]
Look in the mirror. What do you see? Is your image scary or pleasant? Hopeful or dreadful? Capable or faking it? Whether you see yourself as smart or dumb, as gorgeous or hideous, as confident or meek, there’s one skill that, if you master it, will truly show you just how smart, successful, sexy, and […]
This recipe might come in handy one day for you guys out there. More a method than a recipe, it was invented by my husband. I call it Mark’s Heap O’Bacon. You’ll need a large fry pan and a package of bacon. Cut the package open. Remove the lump of bacon. If it’s still frozen, […]
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