Dynamic Duos: Reliable Protocols of Synergistic Supplements

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What essential, time-tested strategies belong in every nutritional practitioner’s clinic? Surveying 30 years of clinical experience, Dr. Michael Gaeta presents his go-to dynamic duos of nutritional supplementation—powerfully synergistic pairings that offer a rapid, winning approach to nutritional therapeutics.

Calcium Lactate and Cataplex F Tablets, for example, work hand-in-glove to establish a tissue calcium influx that helps resolve cramps. Learn about and use these combinations every week to the benefit of your patients and practice.

“I look forward to teaching you the formula combinations that have always been there for me. They have delivered the goods to many thousands of patients, and yours can benefit as well.”

—Michael Gaeta, DAOM, MS, CDN

What you will learn:

  • Key therapeutic food and botanical medicine combinations that address common patient concerns.
  • The physiological and nutritional rationale for these combinations, as supported by current research.
  • Successful case studies drawn from Dr. Gaeta’s clinical experience.

About the Author:

Dr. Michael Gaeta is a visionary educator, clinician, and writer in the field of natural health care. His purpose is to create a world of vital, resilient people who find fulfillment through positive contribution, and who stay out of the medical system. Michael works with natural health professionals to improve patient care and practice success through his one-year clinicians’ mentoring program, live seminars and webinars, and distance learning programs. He holds licenses in acupuncture, dietetics-nutrition, and massage therapy, and he is a doctor of acupuncture in Rhode Island. Michael earned his master’s degree in acupuncture from the New York College of Health Professions, where he was a faculty member for ten years. Michael’s teaching is informed by more than two decades of clinical practice both in New York and Colorado. He has helped thousands of patients improve their well-being, prevent illness, and choose a lifestyle of  “nature first, drugs last.” He cofounded Acupuncture for Veterans to provide free treatments to vets in New York City. Michael is past president of the Acupuncture Society of New York, earning awards for State Association President and State Association of the Year. He appeared on the CBS Early Show and NBC News, and he has trained thousands of clinicians with his “Success with Natural Medicine” clinical seminars and his “Love, Serve & Succeed” business and ethics seminars. His wellness radio show on Contact Talk Radio has attracted over 100,000 subscribers. He loves to debunk popular myths regarding food quality (critical), vaccines (bad), cholesterol (good), antioxidant vitamins (bad), and chronic illness (preventable). Michael is also a pianist and composer. With his partner, Richard Schmitt, DC, he launched  Expert Nutrition Advisor, the first online video education service for Standard Process clinicians and their patients.

For seminar information and publications by Michael Gaeta, please visit  Gaeta Communications. For more useful ideas and resources, visit  Nutrition for Acupuncturists.

Author: Michael Gaeta, DAc, MS, CDN
Running time: 3 hours, 6 minutes
Available Formats: E-Learning
