Kickstart Someone’s Self-Health Lifestyle This Year

If you celebrate Christmas, you have exactly three weeks to finish your gift buying. If you are feeling at a loss for some special person on your list, one of the methods I use to pick out the perfect item is to pay close attention during our conversations. When I do, they tell me, unwittingly, what they would love to receive.

When my friends and family tell me they want to make healthier choices but aren’t sure where to start, I put in an order for Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! by Stephanie Selene Anderson.

Getting started with new habits can seem overwhelming, but Anderson has written a perfectly reassuring, compact, easy-to-read guide for anyone shifting to a self-health lifestyle. First, she shows neophytes that their top goal is superior nutrition, and they don’t have to change everything at once. Then, she walks them through the basic steps, with tips to help in the transition, so they can take immediate action in the areas where they are most likely to succeed.

I’m the sort of person who asks a lot of questions, so I can usually also tease out their potential New Year’s resolutions, which gives me more ideas of how to round out the gift of Anderson’s no-nonsense advice on healthy living.

If my Aunt Amy has been talking about wanting to get rid of the chemical-laden household cleaners under the sink, I might replace some of the cleaners with innovative products that promote healthier living and a cleaner house.

  • Pair Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! with the e-Cloth Anderson mentions, which requires only water for cleaning.
  • Gather everything Aunt Amy needs to make a DIY all-purpose bathroom cleaner, including the recipe. Heck, you could even make the first batch for her, so it won’t sit in the utility closet until they get around to trying the recipe.
  • The DIY recipe I was most excited to find is a replacement for wet Swiffer floor pads. I only bought the name brand version of these once, and while I adored the convenience, I didn’t care for the chemical smell. Gift someone the initial “pieces” for this replacement, print off the recipe, and wait for the exclamations of adoration.

Why not kickstart someone’s self-health lifestyle (or your own!) this year with Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! Anderson’s simple, straightforward reference guide to making smart, healthy choices every day.

Image from Selene River Press. 

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

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