Foster Farms Off the Hook

Foster Farms’ chicken has sickened 389 consumers with antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella Heidelberg since November 15, according to the CDC’s last count. The USDA issued a Public Health Alert about the outbreak on Oct 7, 2013.

That’s alarming enough, but even worse is that 40% of those who contracted the bacteria have required hospitalization because of antibiotic resistance. Do you think it’s fair that inspectors haven’t shut down the Foster Farms’ plants connected to the outbreak?

Why does the government allow large factory farms to continue operating even after they’re linked to a virulent outbreak like this one? To find out how this recent food safety story ties into the larger picture of food rights, check out this podcast interview with David Gumpert, popular food rights author, journalist, and blogger, at

Photo from iStock/DebbiSmirnoff

Samantha Prust

Samantha Prust is a freelance writer, editor, and owner of Your Editor On Call in Fort Collins, Colorado. She can be contacted at

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