It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Like a Baby

Psst…how’s your sleep? If you’re exhausted, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans, as many as one-third of us, are sleep deprived in one way or another, and it’s seriously messing with our health.

The consequences of sleep deprivation range from the obvious (tiredness, mental distress, poor cognitive function) to the surprisingly dire (heart disease, diabetes, obesity). So, yeah. We need sleep. But not the fitful, unsatisfying sleep so many of us are used to. We need the sleep-like-a-baby kind of sleep, and it’s never too late to find it.

That’s why It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Like a Baby, a nifty laminated chart created by Dr. Lowell Keppel, takes center stage in this month’s Product Spotlight.

The distillation of years of clinical experience, It’s Never Too Late not only identifies a range of common sleep problems but also pinpoints the causes behind them and the solutions to fix them. That’s right. The solutions.

Turns out that nutritional deficiencies, responsible for so many modern disorders, are also the culprit behind many forms of sleep deprivation—everything from frequent trips to the bathroom to racing thoughts about your life choices. Whatever the problem, there’s a decent chance that poor nutrition has something to do with it.

If poor nutrition is making us lose sleep, good nutrition may help us find it again. Dr. Keppel recommends a range of Standard Process supplementation and simple dietary changes as well as common-sense bedtime tips.

But here’s where he really goes above and beyond: he lays it all out on this beautiful, durable laminated chart. A chart you can hang in your office, share with your clients, give to your favorite insomniac, or roll into a tube for prodding any sleep-deprived colleagues who nod off at the next meeting.

Sleep is kind of a big deal, so let’s all do what we can to sleep like a baby.

Image from iStock/javi_indy (main). 

Heather Wilkinson

Heather Wilkinson is Senior Editor at Selene River Press.

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