Sexy Ways to Stay Hydrated

Drinking water throughout the day is a good idea any time of the year. In the middle of August, it’s a necessity. Dehydration messes with all sorts of things your body needs to accomplish. While I rarely tire of a big ol’ glass of crystal clear water, I’ve heard from quite a few people that keeping hydrated is an issue for them.

Well, my friends, there are all kinds of ways to bring the sexy back to your hydration routine. You’ll be running to the bathroom to pee like crazy once you’ve checked out some of these ideas. ;)

Make your own flavored water at home. Good golly! There’s no reason to settle for only a lemon slice in your glass of water anymore. Throw in some cucumbers, watermelon, or mint—you’ve just upped the ante of your beverage’s desirability. So fill your favorite glass pitcher with one of these thirst-quenching flavored waters and sip away all day long. You can even make it the night before so it’s ready first thing in the morning. Ahhhh! The possibilities are endless.

Home brew your favorite iced tea. I’ve done this with everything from green and black teas to flavored herbal teas. But be careful—caffeine is actually dehydrating. My favorite recipe is simple. Steep six tea bags in two cups of boiling water for 15 minutes. While it’s doing its thing, decide if you want to add some lemon juice or a touch of healthy sweetener. Put your selection into a ½-gallon glass jar, then pour the tea in when it’s ready. If you’re using a sweetener, put the lid on the jar and shake away to make sure it dissolves. Then simply fill the jar up to the top with filtered water and stick it in the refrigerator. Super sexy iced tea! The great thing about making it yourself is that you control the quality and amount of the sweetener you use.

Stock your fridge with coconut water. If you’ve fallen for the coconut craze, don’t apologize for it. Coconut water is a great way to keep yourself hydrated. When that sounds good, drink up!

I double-dog dare you to add these beverages to your hydration repertoire and try not to look sexy. It’s impossible.

What’s your sexiest way to stay hydrated?

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

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