Tag Archives: pet nutrition

Introducing Dr. Ron Carsten’s Veterinary Clinical Reference Guide

This is big. The Veterinary Clinical Reference Guide by Dr. Ron Carsten is destined to become a new industry bible—and it’s available now at Selene River Press. With this invaluable tool at your fingertips, you’ll have comprehensive, up-to-date information that will help you lead pet owners to a deeper understanding of how their animals can […]

Overstressed Pets

Stress is something we humans deal with every day. But let’s stop and think about our pets.  Do they have stress in their lives? If so, what types of stress do they deal with?  There’s a quote that goes: Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee […]

Think Beyond the Bowl

Pet foods don’t give your animals all the nutrition they need! How do I know this? As a veterinary technician, I meet with hundreds of experienced veterinarians in Colorado and throughout the country. Most of them tell me they’re encountering more cases of allergies, GI problems, and cancer today than they did 20 years ago. […]