You Spoke, We Listened…Introducing Our Publisher’s Printout Editions

Culturing Dairy and Men in Kitchens PPEs

Meat Stock and Bone Broth. Culturing Dairy. Men in Kitchens. These are some of our most popular ebooks, and now they’re available in a high quality printed format.

That’s right. We heard you loud and clear: Ebooks just don’t always work for you. You like your cookbooks in the kitchen. You need to write notes inside the margins. Or you prefer the look and feel of actual paper and ink. And yet you’ve had an eye on these previously unavailable-in-print titles. We know you’re out there, so we went to work. Welcome to our new Publisher’s Printout Editions.

These printout books feature full-color photos, high quality paper, sturdy coil binding, and deluxe protective covers. They were designed for ease of use—and for heavy use. So go ahead and showcase those hard-earned badges of a cook’s life, stains on the pages of your favorite recipe. You can’t do that with an ebook.

Come check out these popular ebook titles from Selene River Press, now available in print:

Cooking Techniques for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome™ Diet, Part I: Meat Stock and Bone Broth. Bringing new clarity to the GAPS diet in non-clinical language all readers can understand, expert chef, author, and teacher Monica Corrado shores up a critical but often misunderstood aspect of the GAPS healing protocol—meat stock and bone broth. When you make them. How you make them. Why you make them. And, crucially, why you shouldn’t mix them up.

Cooking Techniques for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome™ Diet, Part II: Culturing Dairy. Using nonclinical language all readers can understand, chef, author, and teacher Monica Corrado continues to unravel the myths and misconceptions people bring to the Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet. Where the first book in her series examined the important differences between meat stock and bone broth, this time the author turns the spotlight on dairy. Even if you have dairy sensitivities or allergies, this easy-to-understand, step-by-step guide will show how to successfully implement a range of nutritious cultured dairy products back into your diet.

Men in Kitchens: A Good Day to Dine Hard. Perfect for any son, dad, husband, boyfriend, or brother who wants to sharpen his skills in the kitchen. Nick Armstrong and Patrick Earvolino dish up 10 essential recipes that belong in any cook’s repertoire, including Turkey Meatballs and Bachelor’s Eggs. In the Kitchen Savvy section, they offer mano y mano instruction on everything from the skillet to the cutting board.

Heather Wilkinson

Heather Wilkinson is Senior Editor at Selene River Press.

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