Why Eating and Living Organic Is Important

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade, you’ve probably heard about organic products. These days, all-natural formulas seem to be everywhere—from food and cosmetics to clothing, transportation, and cleaning supplies. Because of the far-reaching benefits an organic lifestyle offers, making the sustainable switch in all aspects of life may be the best idea you’ve ever had.

Still not convinced? Take a quick look at the gains you’ll achieve through the transition to organic eating, fashion, and cosmetics—and go green without further ado.

Clean Up Your Dietary Act: All-Natural Nutrition

If you think organic food is all about prohibitive price tags and no real gains, think again. Nutrition experts say that food raised without the use of pesticides and other chemicals is safer for human health and environment. Organic produce is also nutrient-denser than pesticide-raised foods grown on sterilized soil, at least when it comes to vitamin C, chromium, magnesium, iron, and calcium content. Furthermore, organic farms are better for the farmers and their long-term health and are usually family-run, which makes switching to pesticide-free produce an investment in local trade.

Last but not the least, organic food tastes better and provides cleaner eating—children and people suffering from chronic health struggles such as food allergies and sensitivities, as well as digestive problems, are ideally suited for an organic diet.

The takeaway: If you want to do a big favor to your health and the Earth, pick up the organic plate as soon as possible.

Fifty Shades of Green: Organic Cosmetics Are In

Another lifestyle aspect where organic labels are multiplying at the speed of light is chemical-free personal care made in line with eco-friendly production procedures. According to Transparency Market Research estimates, global demand for organic personal care is expected to hit USD 13.2 billion by 2018 as more people continue to realize the benefits of natural and organic cosmetics.

Unlike standard personal care products, use of their organic counterparts entails fewer health risks in the long run. For this reason, chemical- and allergen-free skincare is often recommended for persistent skin problems such as rashes, acne, irritation, dry patches and flaking, and signs of premature aging such as wrinkles. And the production of these natural products reduces environmental pollution.

The takeaway: if you want to feel great in your body and look it, too, flip the organic personal care switch right away.

Wearing Your Green: Eco-Safe Clothing

These days, an increasing number of fashion industry brands are embracing the concept of organic clothing and releasing eco-safe collections as chic as their non-eco counterparts. In addition to helping curb large-scale environmental pollution, organic fashion is also safer for human health because clothing crafted from all-natural materials doesn’t cause allergic reactions commonly associated with use of synthetic fabrics.

If you’re new to organic fashion, you can check out organic cotton and bamboo clothing collections online and consider swapping your accessories and jewelry for items crafted from sustainable resources such as industrial hemp, organic bamboo, and recycled polyester.

The takeaway: Put on a green guise and scoop up suave looks and eco-fashionista bragging rights with a single blow.

Organic living isn’t difficult at all if you know how to go about it—and with this article, you do now! Start spring cleaning your life of synthetics today and enjoy a lifetime of better health, peak energy, and comfort at every step. After all, you only live once—so strive to make every day count and take steps to make our world a better and safer place for the generations to come. Happy living!

Images from Pixabay. 



Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith is an Australia-based beauty blogger and eco-lifestyle lover. She is very passionate about yoga, natural skincare, organic food, and mindful living. Sophia writes mostly in beauty -and lifestyle-related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. Over the years she has written pieces for many successful blogs and magazines, such as Eco Warrior Princess, How to Simplify, Carousel, Art of Healthy Living, and Just Haves.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on: Twitter and Google +.

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