Applied Trophology, Vol. 2, No. 12
(December 1958)

The Common Etiology of Both Infectious and Degenerative Diseases, Part II

The following is a transcription of the December 1958 issue of Dr. Royal Lee’s Applied Trophology newsletter, originally published by Standard Process Laboratories.

Also in this issue:

  • Tip of the Month (Pruritis Ani)
  • A Reprint of Comment on Trichinosis
  • Orthodoxy, Common Sense, and Scientific Method, by V.H. Sears
  • High Points of Gastrex

The Common Etiology of Both Infectious and Degenerative Diseases (Part II)

(See Part I in the November 1958 issue of Applied Trophology.)

Dale Alexander’s popular book Arthritis and Common Sense expounds the value of vegetable oils in the treatment of arthritis. The vitamin F content of these oils is the reason for their effectiveness, not the “joint lubrication” he mistakenly assumes. But the theory is unimportant where results are undeniable—at least unimportant to the arthritis victim who gets relief.

The value and effectiveness of the oils depend on their content of the active principal. Vitamin F is like vitamin A: it has its vegetable forms and its animal forms, and some deficient victims have lost the power of conversion from one form to the other. Only clinical tests will establish the potency. One test is the effect on the patient with prostate enlargement. Another is the effect on the patient who has lost his second sound in some area of the heart. A potent form of vitamin F in a few-milligram dosage restores the missing second sound in a few minutes.

When you buy any oil in the grocery store, you will get a refined product. For instance, most peanut oils are made from moldy, low-grade peanuts that cannot be sold for use in peanut butter. Their oil is rancid and therefore must be “renovated”—refined, deodorized, and bleached—before it can be sold. Such a product is not fit to be represented as food. If it is hydrogenated, it is put a step still farther away from possible acceptance as food—it is now a synthetic fat.

To get a raw, unrefined peanut oil, you must obtain it from someone who processes fresh, number-one peanuts. Number-two peanuts are worthless to make oil. Too large a percentage have lost their red skins; those exposed kernels are rancid and will spoil the whole batch of oil.

In the case of sesame oil, if the combine is not properly adjusted in harvesting the seed, too large a percentage will be bruised. These go rancid and will spoil the entire lot of oil that may be made. These are facts we have encountered in making raw, fresh food oils. They are facts that have a lot to do with your lifespan.

To show the importance to you, we cite a test reported some time ago in Science News Letter. Three groups of hospital patients were given fried eggs for breakfast. One group had eggs fried in hydrogenated fat. Their blood cholesterol progressively rose.

Another group had eggs fried in refined peanut oil. Their cholesterol remained the same. The third group had eggs fried in raw, unrefined peanut oil. Their cholesterol dropped progressively.

Here was a clinical test, a final test, of the importance of getting unrefined foods.

The complex of vitamins in natural, unrefined fats and oils is yet to be properly explored. The Wulzen factor alone has been shown7 to be necessary in test animals to prevent deafness, arteriosclerosis, and anemia, to prevent a high sedimentation rate, as well hypertension and arthritis.

Without the Wulzen factor, abscesses, necrosis, and calcification of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skeletal muscle, and periarticular tissue all have been shown to occur—from starvation secondary to the crippling from arthritis.

The fats and oils commonly used in human nutrition are almost always heated—in fact usually highly overheated—in processing. We even roast the peanuts and other nuts we use. Raw nut butters, on the other hand, appear to be one of the most important food products we can use. They make delicious sandwich fillers and can be made in any home kitchen with a nut grater, a gadget available in any good department store. (Ask for a Parmesan cheese grater if you are met with a blank stare.) This grated nut meal can be made into a sandwich filler with mayonnaise (homemade, preferably from fresh raw oil and fresh eggs).

If we cannot take the trouble to properly care for our human machine, we cannot complain if it breaks down. The trouble is breakdowns often occur without warning and without advance notice that we have failed to do our part.

We should realize that counterfeit foods will make a counterfeit body. What we eat today is our body of tomorrow. No wonder cancer is on the increase. What else is cancer but the reaction of our body to foods that cannot maintain tissue integrity. Does anyone assume that no reaction will take place from cheating ourselves by using foods that have lost their essential factors?

Given that such a reaction is bound to occur, why deny the probable relationship? Do you think a wonder drug ever will be found to cure cancer? Or arthritis? Or heart disease?

“The person who tries to get along with black coffee and dried white toast in the morning, a sandwich and tea at noon, and perhaps corned beef and cabbage soup and pie at dinner will find himself soon developing a deficiency disease.”9

In W.W. Dauer’s introduction to Eat What You Want, Morris Fishbein is responsible for this statement: “Minor deficiencies of vitamin D may cause weakening of the heart muscle, poor appetite and indefinite symptoms of weakness, and lack of ambition and loss of initiative and courage, for which reason it has been called ‘the morale vitamin.’”9

In Eat What You Want, there also appears this statement: “The necessary vitamins can and should be obtained by judicious selection and preparation of foods except by certain persons who may need additional vitamins, as ordered by a physician…Nothing is to be gained by taking capsules that furnish vitamins in large excess, since with the exception of vitamin A they are not stored in the body, but the extra amounts are rather promptly eliminated or destroyed.”

We may add that the use of refined or synthetic vitamins is as unsound as is the use of the refined foods that created the deficiency. And we have always recommended only the normal, nutritional dosage of natural complexes, which produce the natural results so easily measured when the known reaction is looked for—such as the restoration of conduction in a fibrillating heart by the use of wheat-germ B complex or the restoration of the second sound by use of the vitamin F complex. Thiamine alone has no value in “restoring morale”; it has no effect on the fibrillating heart regardless of dosage.

“The time is yet remote, in spite of some optimistic findings of the last twenty years, that an animal will subsist, become adult, and multiply on a mixture of fully purified ingredients…I feel that a proper balance of stimulating and inhibiting factors in our dietary, with the possibility of correcting such imbalance by the selection of the right foods or specified isolated principals, may elucidate quite a few pathological states that at present baffle the investigator.”10

It is the objective of Standard Process Laboratories to help in providing these “specified isolated principals” of foods for the restoration of physiological balances.


  1. Topley, W.W.C. Outline of Immunity, page 319. Wm. Wood & Co., 1923.
  2. Topley, W.W.C. Outline of Immunity, page 317. Wm. Wood & Co., 1923.
  3. Burnet, F.M. Principles of Animal Virology, page 362. Academic Press, 1955; 3a. Getz, Long, and Henderson. Rev, Tuberc., 64:381, 1951.
  4. Rhodes and Van Rooyen. Textbook of Virology, page 368. Williams & Wilkins, 1953.
  5. Pathak, C.L. Jol. of Clin. Nut., Vol. 6, No. 2, 1958.
  6. Rhodes and Van Rooyen. Textbook of Virology, page 371. Williams & Wilkins, 1953.
  7. Vitamins and Hormones, Vol. VIII, page 120. Academic Press, 1950.
  8. Orth. and Oral Surg., page 467, August 1946.
  9. Bauer, W.W. Eat What You Want, Introduction by Morris Fishbein, 1942.
  10. Eddy, W.H. Vitaminology, from preface by Casimir Funk. Williams and Wilkins, 1949.

Tip of the Month (Pruritus Ani)

Pruritus ani, when present below age thirty, is usually due to intestinal parasites. Vermidase [Zymex II] will digest these parasites. Pruritus ani or vulvae in individuals over thirty is usually due to systemic alkalosis resulting from improper nutrition. The use of Inositol, Cal-Amo, and Acidophilus Yeast [Lactic Acid Yeast] will aid in overcoming alkalosis. Vermidase may also be necessary, since intestinal parasites are always a possibility at any age.

A Reprint of Comment on Trichinosis

The pamphlet on trichinosis published by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health has this to say:

“Trichinosis is a disease in which the muscles of the body are infested with tiny worms called trichinae, too small to be recognized with the unaided eye. There may be thousands of them—or only a few. In its acute form, the disease is extremely painful and weakening; sometimes it is fatal.

“Trichinosis is incurable, except as the body eventually walls off the worms, but since the worms are acquired in food, the disease can be prevented—and prevention is, so far, the only way to bring it under control.

“The extent of the trichinosis problem can be seen from the fact that a study of autopsies made in various parts of the United States revealed evidence of the infection in as high as 35 percent of all bodies examined. Authorities on the subject estimate that 16 percent, or some 22,000,000 persons, may have this strength-draining disease.”

The article then goes on to say that in the last fifty years surveys have repeatedly shown that 1.5 percent of all hogs in the United States have trichinae and that every man, woman, and child in the country stands a good chance of eating some infected pork two or three times a year.

Now, what about the symptoms of trichinosis? These symptoms vary in different persons, according to the intensity of the infection. Among the reported cases, five or six people die of the disease out of every hundred who become infected with trichinae. In fatal cases death usually occurs between the third and sixth week.

There are three stages of development of the larvae, and the symptoms vary according to these stages. In the first stage, during which the trichinae develop in the intestines and produce their young, there may be no symptoms at all. Or the person may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain during the first week. He may also have weakness, tension, and pain in the muscles, muscular twitching, and swelling of the eyelids, and some fever may be present. Doctors have difficulty in diagnosing these first symptoms. The first symptoms have been diagnosed as ptomaine poisoning, intestinal flu, malaria, typhoid fever, appendicitis, colitis, peptic ulcers, gallbladder trouble, and other ailments.

In the second stage, nine days to two weeks after infection, during which the larvae are distributed through the body, there develops more severe muscular pain and fever. The symptoms produced at this stage have at times been diagnosed as scarlet fever, mumps, frontal sinusitis, rheumatism, undulant fever, and other diseases. When the larvae invade the muscles of the heart, the disease may be diagnosed as any number of heart diseases. When the larvae lodge in the brain and meninges, it has been diagnosed as meningitis and other diseases.

Professor Maurice C. Hall reported that in a study of cadavers from hospitals, out of 222 cases of trichinosis, not one was correctly diagnosed. A U.S. Public Health Report makes this statement: “From the above it appears that diagnosis of approximately fifty disease conditions may be made, and in practically all cases the actual basis of these conditions is the presence of trichinae.”

Orthodoxy, Common Sense, and Scientific Method

By V.H. Sears, DDS

Those who have achieved a certain status in society tend to fight the things that might endanger their standing. They like to be looked up to as authorities and find it more respectable to remain orthodox, often using their prestige to stifle any change. Attaining key positions in organizations, they can and often do suppress the nonconformist.

Let us consider the obstructive power of the extreme conservative who gains a key position. If he is the editor of a scientific journal, he will reject manuscripts that challenge too sharply the current beliefs. If he is the chairman of a program committee, he will guard his organization against clinics and essays that might disturb the general thinking. If he is on the admission committee, he will keep out the unorthodox applicant for membership. If he is a department head in a university, he will champion popular ideas in order to maintain his prestige and will teach only the “tried and true” methods.

The conformist may not realize that his course is charted largely by the fear of being considered radical. He may be, and often is, a thoroughly delightful fellow socially, but he plays it safe and espouses no unpopular ideas. He believes he serves the majority. Of course, we need conservatives, but not too great a proportion of them.

—Reprinted from The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.

High Points of Standard Process Nutritional Adjuncts

Anti-Gastrin [Gastrex] (Silcon-Allantoin-Gel): This compound contains colloidal isotopic silicon, which contains most of the essential trace minerals for normal cell metabolism. Blue comfrey leaf furnishes natural allantoin (a true cell proliferant, to accelerate repair) as well as chlorophyll, a detoxifier and a stimulator of normal tissue restoration. The vitamin E-chlorophyll complex of green plants is also supplied by tillandsia, for its healing and restorative benefits to epithelial surfaces. The extracts of stomach and duodenal substances furnish mucin digestive enzymes, the intrinsic factor, and other unknown essential and protective substances. Disodium phosphate has been added to aid in overcoming deficiencies usually caused by taking alkalis, especially aluminum hydroxide gels.

Anti-Gastrin has proven its ability to improve and normalize the stomach and gastrointestinal mucosa. Anti-Gastrin tends to preserve the normal pH, maintain the elasticity of connective tissues, and stimulate the fibroblasts, thereby promoting fibroplasia and tissue repair. It supplies an essential trace mineral pattern, cell proliferants, digestive enzymes, detoxifying substances, and intrinsic factors and aids the patient in overcoming blood and bone deficiencies.

Anti-Gastrin has been found to be therapeutically effective for gastric and duodenal ulcerative lesions and chronic ulcerative colitis.

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