Osteoporosis is a condition where bones, especially the spine, hips and wrists, become weak and brittle. Osteopenia marks the first stage of bone density loss, when they begin losing “mass” (or thickness) and break down. This condition results when resorption of bone becomes greater than the production (new creation) of bone.
Osteoporosis is more common in women, beginning around the time of menopause (or andropause in men), roughly between 50 to 60 years of age. About 54 million Americans are affected by osteoporosis and the challenges related to structural decline. Imbalances in lifestyle such as a lack of weight-bearing exercise, smoking, and eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia, and malnutrition during the first 30 years of life are contributing factors. Acid blockers, blood thinners, insulin, SSRIs, steroids, and other medications also play a role in the onset of osteoporosis. Bones need hormones—estrogen in women and testosterone in men—to maintain their density. These hormones prevent bone resorption and stimulate new growth.
Addressing these primary causes of osteoporosis with nutritional support and a healthy lifestyle will reduce, and in many instances may stop, the onset and acceleration of skeletal fragility and bone loss.
Bones are comprised of one-third each minerals, protein, and water. In this article I will discuss each category and also outline the nutritional supplements and lifestyle applications that specifically address these areas of need.
Calcium from bone sources (calcium phosphate) accounts for 85 percent of the minerals in our bones. A calcium-rich diet and proper supplementation is the single most important, effective way to support both your blood and your bones.
The following calcium supplements from Standard Process will give all your tissues an adequate supply for the demand. Also consume green leafy vegetables, raw milk, bone marrow, and bone broth frequently throughout the week. Far-infrared saunas (one hour twice a week) will stimulate growth and repair.
Calcifood Powder: Made from bone flour, Calcifood Powder is a living food for your bones and teeth.
- Take 1–2 tablespoons Calcifood Powder daily, added to a shake or smoothie, or mixed with cereal, yogurt, or applesauce.
Calcium Lactate Powder (calcium bicarbonate): A form of blood serum calcium replenishment for soft tissues, including muscles, hair, skin, nails, heart, nerves, and all organs. If the ionizable form of blood calcium becomes too low, it will rob the bones to fulfill the mandatory requirements for the tissue reserves.
- Take 1 tablespoon Calcium Lactate Powder daily. Add to a shake or make the following beverage to sip on throughout the day: 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, and 1 tablespoon Calcium Lactate Powder.
Protein is another component that accounts for one-third of our bones. Furthermore, all 22 amino acids are required in the assembly of our tissues, but especially bone. (Low-heat processed Calcifood Powder is half minerals and half protein, and it includes all 22 amino acids.)
Protefood: Heat destroys the eight essential amino acids. Your body cannot make bone if they are absent. Protefood contains substantial amounts of all eight of them.
Cataplex C: Because it knits collagen and proteins together in a tight weave, Cataplex C provides the “molecular cement” that holds collagen in a strong bond—important because about half of the protein in bone is soft collagen. The mineral calcium phosphate (Calcifood Powder) adds strength and hardens the framework of bone. The combination of Cataplex C and Calcifood Powder makes bone both strong and flexible. (Please note: Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C. In nature, it is the protective outer covering of the essential factors in the entire vitamin C complex. High potency synthetic ascorbic acid supplements are not from nature. It is a chemical compound that is unusable in supporting and enhancing bone health.)
- Take 3 tablets Cataplex C twice daily.
The third essential aspect of bone integrity is water. The best is spring, well, or filtered water. Reverse osmosis or distilled water is mineral-depleted and useless to creating bone matrix. Fluids with sweeteners, artificial coloring, and caffeine are all poor choices that diminish the ability of water to enter the tissues at the cellular level. Alkaline water has mixed reviews on bone health. It contains fewer acid-based minerals such as calcium phosphate and may contain contaminates. The pH of bone is 7.3, but alkaline water has a pH of 8.0, making it too alkaline.
- Drink one half of your normal body weight, in ounces, of spring, well, or filtered water daily.
Other Recommendations

Earlier I explained that bones also need hormones (estrogen in women and testosterone in men) to maintain their density, preventing bone resorption and stimulating new growth. Consider the following:
Symplex F (for women) and Symplex M (men) from Standard Process both provide hormonal support.
- Symplex F (for women): 3 tablets twice daily on an empty stomach.
- Symplex M (men): 3 tablets twice daily on an empty stomach.
Wild Yam Complex (for women) and Tribulus (for men) are both important herbal formulas from MediHerb, which is distributed in the United States by Standard Process. Beware of chemical (synthetic) sources of estrogen and testosterone as they can proliferate abnormal cellular growth.
- Wild Yam Complex (for women): 2 tablets twice daily at breakfast and dinner.
- Tribulus (for men): 1 tablet twice daily at breakfast and dinner.
Finally, 20 minutes to an hour of walking daily encourages and assists in balancing and maintaining normal hormone levels.
Nature’s laws are exact and must be understood and honored to achieve the full outcome of any restorative and maintenance process. Stabilizing the decline of bone health and reestablishing skeletal strength takes time. What I have recommended requires six months to a year of these applications before you begin to see a favorable outcome. If you prioritize your bone health and follow this approach, you will greatly increase the chances of living out your final decades in optimal health. I have included the Osteoporosis/Osteopenia protocol from my new book, Adjuvant Protocols for Healing: A Practitioner’s Manual as a reminder of what I have just outlined.
Images from iStock/wildpixel (main), tamsindove (food), eranicle (osteoporosis).
Perfect timing for this article. I had a client that came in with osteopenia. He doc was recommending a prescription. I looked at the test results. I told her I don’t know how to read these so I could be wrong, but it doesn’t look like you have changed much in the past 4 years since your last test. I told her to talk with her doc about the side effects of the drugs. I also told her that I know that bone can be rebuilt. I recommend calcium lactate and I told her I would research what other supplements would help.
So thank you very much!!