Tag Archives: brunch recipes

Asparagus-Ricotta Flan with Pecan-Parmesan Crust:
Simplicity Meets Style in a Make-Ahead Mother’s Day Brunch

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and that means a time to demonstrate our appreciation for all the special mothers and mother surrogates in our lives. I’ll be frank; I have never much enjoyed huge displays of excess on Mother’s Day (or any holiday, for that matter), but it is nice to have a […]

Chapter Two: A Widow’s Time of Adjustment (and a Quiche Lorraine)

This may sound cliched, but there are some journeys you have to go on alone. Widowhood is one of them. And if you think widowhood isn’t easy, neither is chapter two: the Time of Adjustment. In my personal life experience, there’s never been a time when I’ve learned so much. What if I told you […]