Author Archives: Briana Goodall, CPC

Ham, Parsnip, and Sauerkraut Fritters

I love a nice, fresh ham roast, with its addictive crackling skin and succulent, briny flavor. For some reason, ham seems mostly reserved for holidays and special occasions. Yet I could easily eat them more often. And I would, if the small size of my family could support the sheer size of such a meal […]

Cornmeal-Crusted Fish with Spicy Herbed Remoulade Sauce

Last week, I was given a bag of fragrant, native, yellow stone-ground cornmeal from Anson Mills with the request that I “please make something out of it.” Well, of course the first thing that came to mind was cornbread. But anyone who knows me knows that I like to take the road less traveled and […]

Spring Green Soup

Hey there, folks! After a bit of a hiatus, I’m happy to announce that I’m finally getting back to writing. I’ll be tempting your taste buds with new, wholesome, delicious recipes, and also offering lots of tips for nourishing yourself and your loved ones with real food. Along the way, I’ll be sharing the occasional […]

Grass-Fed Braised Short Ribs in Rosemary-Red Wine Gravy

Short ribs

I noticed bulbs popping up in my garden today. Now, if I still lived back in the Pacific Northwest, this wouldn’t be a problem. In fact, it would be expected. But in Colorado, where the chance that winter will be over by mid-February is slim to none, it’s still far too early for my delicate […]

Sweet Low-Sugar Dessert: Pina Colada Chia Pudding

Chia Pudding

I’m not gonna lie—I love me some dessert! I wish dessert loved me with equal respect in return. Alas, since whittling my sugar intake down to almost nothing, I really notice now how it affects me when I do indulge. Of course, the initial high is sublimely delicious and satisfying, but I’ve come to discover […]

Kick Ass Chicken-Vegetable Soup

Chicken soup

I’ve been nursing a cold all week. Of course, no one really likes being under the weather, but rather than cursing my luck this time, I’ve surprisingly been somewhat thankful to my body. Feeling worn out forces us to be gentler on ourselves, take it easy, rest, and attend to things that have gone neglected. […]

Asian Sesame Kale-Seaweed Salad

Sesame Kale-Seaweed Salad

January is winding down, and by now some of you may have already abandoned those well-intentioned yet tough-to-keep New Year’s resolutions. Before you go beating yourself up, know that you’re not alone. Studies have shown that a mere 64 percent of people have kept their resolutions by the one-month mark. And only a sobering 8 […]

Better Than Mashed Potatoes?! Whipped Parsnip and Cauliflower with Kale

Parsnip and cauliflower mash

Ok, ok, ok, I know what you’re thinking: What is this blasphemy?! The girl can’t be serious! I mean, how can you really improve a cozy comfort food like mashed potatoes—especially if the “improvement” doesn’t even contain potatoes at all? I promise I’m not just spewing crazy nonsense. I may be a tyrannical dietary dictator […]

Balsamic-Braised Greens with Giblets and Smokey Bacon

Balsamic Braised Greens

As someone whose life revolves around all things cooking and eating, I’m invariably interested, and usually excited, to try new foods and flavors. And though I definitely favor certain tastes and textures, I rarely come across a food I dislike. Sadly, organ meats have never been high on the list of things I just can’t […]

Pork Tenderloin with Pears and Rosemary

Pork tenderloin with pears

For many people, the six weeks between mid-November and the end of the year are usually bustling with activity. It’s a time we welcome, yet with so many demands on our schedules, it’s often exhausting. The past few years, I’ve made a silent pact with myself to not spread my resources and energy too thin, […]

French Countryside Gratineed Chicken

Gratineed Chicken

Here in Northern Colorado, we’ve been experiencing some unseasonal warm, sunny weather, so it’s somewhat challenging to remember the imminent threat of winter is on our heels. Sure, we’ve had a small dose of frosts, and I can smell the chill in the evening, but when I’m wearing flip flops for Halloween, it’s easy to […]

Spicy Chuck Steak Chili with Chipotle and Chocolate

Steak Chili

I’m writing this post during a small window of blissful respite at the tail end of a long weekend. It’s been a whirlwind of activity—I spent the past few days away from home, watching my nieces while my sister and brother-in-law celebrated their anniversary out of town. Not to say we haven’t been enjoying ourselves […]

Butternut Squash with Cranberries, Pecans, and Gruyere

Butternut squash

I’ve been desperately clinging to the notion that summer isn’t over, unwilling to let go of the long, warm evenings, 5 A.M. sunrises, and lazy days spent near the water. This week it came to my attention that it was time to finally address my state of denial/ignorant bliss. I’ve turned my heat on consecutively […]

Grain-Free French Silk Brownies

French Silk Brownie

I first stumbled upon the inspiration for this recipe by accident. I wasn’t even looking for anything chocolate, or even grain-free for that matter. But ever since that day, these brownies have become one of my go-to recipes when I want to make a fairly simple yet seriously indulgent dessert for myself or my clients. […]

German Stuffed Kohlrabi with Braised Kale

German Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi. It’s one of those “weird” vegetables. It’s ugly. Well, maybe I needn’t go so far as to call it ugly, but in The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Johnny Bowden describes kohlrabi as a cross between an octopus and a space capsule. I think that about sums it up, and I’m guessing its likeness […]

Summer Squash with Brown Butter Hazelnut-Mushroom Stuffing

Summer Squash

This morning I sat lazily on the back deck, slowly waking up. Tea in hand, I caught up on emails, did some crosswords, and browsed the net. On Facebook, a friend posted that it was “National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day.” Now I can’t attest to the verity that such a day […]

Corn and Salmon Chowder with Bacon and Dill

Corn and Salmon Chowder

Fresh corn is one of my favorite summer pleasures. I don’t eat a whole lot of it, but during its brief attendance in my vegetable garden, I can often be seen eating corn nightly until the crop is finished! The height of corn season is just about wrapping up, and by now we’ve all eaten […]

Greek Yogurt Panna Cotta with Grilled Summer Fruits

Panna Cotta

Last week was the anniversary that marked the passing of my dear grandma, “Goodie.” I hold a special place in my heart for dear Goodie, with her proper British accent and her uncanny ability to kick my ass at Scrabble into her 90s. She liked to say things like “Oh, heavens no, dear.” She liked […]

Rosemary-Walnut Bread

Rosemary Walnut Bread

Life can get crazy sometimes. Personally, I find the more daylight I have, the more I try to cram into it. Summers are filled with spontaneous trips to the lake, fingers deep in dark garden soil, and evening walks with my four-legged buddy. Seldom do I find time to prepare elaborate meals, usually opting for […]