Category Archives: The Food Web

21st Century Health Challenges for Honeybees

Honeybees have it pretty good. They play an essential role in maintaining the environment for all living creatures. Their food and water is “provided” by Earth at no charge. Their wings are conveniently designed to help them gather food. Honeybees can also find readily available shelter at no charge, building their comb in any appropriately […]

Best SRP Recipes of 2013

A hard choice but here they are—our staff favorites from Chef Briana’s 2013 menu.  For a healthy and delicious new year, add these keepers to your repertoire—and don’t forget to mix it up a bit with our upcoming 2014 recipes. Shiitake Vegetable Soup — No one wants to start the new year with a cold! […]

Honeybees Can Dress Your Wounds—And More!

Before penicillin, Dr. Mercola points out, honey was a conventional means for preventing and treating infection. Now we know why. Raw honey not only kills infectious bacteria, it also reduces the biofilms they produce. Raw honey is the stuff you get from your local beekeepers, including (shameless plug) Honeybee Keep. This is far superior to […]

Stay on Your Diet AND Enjoy the Holidays

Here come the holiday parties and family feasts! How are you planning to stay on that diet, be it weight loss, Paleo, or gluten free? I’ll give you one tip—make the dish you most want to eat, prepared the way you can eat it. Want to enjoy dessert at the in-laws? Try this grain- and […]

Honey as Cough Suppressant

Specialists at the American College of Chest Physicians report that cough syrups don’t work. If anything, these products may have a negative impact on your health. Popular cough syrups include expectorants to increase mucus flow and decongestants to decrease mucus flow. They also include dextromethorphan (DM) to suppress a cough by shutting down the reflex […]

The Honeybee Health Connection

Honeybees—directly or indirectly—are responsible for one third of everything you eat. These lovely little insects supply our diets with a great deal of our nutritional needs, as well as diversity and pizzazz. Do you like kiwis? Thank the honeybee. Do you enjoy cashews? Thank the beekeeper. Are you fond of watermelon? Thank them both! Honeybees […]

Quick Sauce and Slow Food Memories

My fresh, organic garden tomatoes, onions, and garlic simmer away on this early September afternoon, evoking the smells and flavors of my first autumn in northern Italy as a 6-year-old. My maternal grandparents lived on the farm where my mom grew up in the 1920s and ’30s. In the mountains of Piedmont, less than an […]