Brussels Sprout and Kale Salad with Pecans and Parmesan

If I had to name one vegetable that sends most folks running, it would be Brussels sprouts. Unfortunately, what creates this stigma is incessant overcooking that releases sulfuric compounds. It’s really too bad because Brussels sprouts are quite delicious and extremely good for you. They are also coming in to their peak season right now.

Full of vitamins K and C, these miniature cabbages pack a powerful punch for such a small package. Like other members of the cruciferous vegetable family, Brussels sprouts supply nourishment over a broad spectrum of nutritional categories: providing support for our cardiovascular and digestive systems, assisting in inflammation reduction, and aiding in detoxification. For superior flavor and vitamin content, be sure to choose sprouts that are bright green and firm, with leaves that are tightly packed. Not only does this indicate freshness, but also maturity of the sprouts themselves. High in protein, low in calories and carbohydrates, Brussels sprouts can be a tasty, and beneficial, addition to your family’s vegetable rotation.

By eliminating the cooking altogether, the daunting task of properly preparing this elusive vegetable becomes less risky. The earthy flavor of toasted pecans combined with the punch of tangy citrus and the sharp, salty cheese makes for a delightful combination. This is a dish that may convert even the most skeptical of Brussels sprout haters.


Serves 4–8
1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed of loose, outer leaves
1 bunch (about 4–6 leaves) lacinato kale, also called dino kale
1/2 cup pecans
2 ounces Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino Romano, or other hard, Parmesan-type cheese
1/2 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
Salt and pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Spread pecans on a baking sheet, and roast for 7–8 minutes, until fragrant, being careful not to burn. Set aside to cool. When cool, coarsely chop and set aside.

2. Trim outer leaves from Brussels sprouts. Cut in half, through the core, and finely slice into thin ribbons. Place in a large bowl. Remove stems from kale leaves, and stack each leaf on top of one another. Roll up leaves, lengthwise, and slice into thin ribbons. Place in bowl with Brussels sprouts, and toss to combine.

3. Drizzle olive oil over salad and sprinkle liberally with salt. Using clean hands, toss Brussels sprouts and kale with oil, gently massaging with your fingers until the veggies turn bright green, soften, and wilt slightly. Add lemon juice and a good dose of freshly cracked pepper. Toss to combine. Taste, and adjust acidity level to your liking, adding more lemon juice if desired. Transfer salad to a serving bowl or divide among serving plates.

4. Using a vegetable peeler, slice cheese into thin shards. Sprinkle salad with toasted pecans, then cheese.

For more on using raw food in recipes, check out:

Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 1 People

Raw Food Made Easy DVD


To choose your organically grown and fresh ingredients wisely, use the following criteria:
·chemical-  and hormone-free meat
·wild-caught fish
·pastured-raised, organic eggs
·whole, unrefined grains
·virgin, unrefined, first-press organic oils
·whole-food, unrefined sweeteners
·pure, clean, spring water
·sea salt
·raw and/or cultured milk and cream products

Briana Goodall, CPC

Briana Goodall is Chef and Owner of Green Cuisine Personal Chef Service. Visit her website at

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