Tag Archives: summer recipes

Buttermilk Fried Chicken: Elevate Your Summer Picnic with a Healthier Version of a Classic

Few foods are as American, or picnic worthy, as fried chicken. Yet most people never even consider making it at home. I get it. Deep-frying is daunting. It can be messy, smoky, and dangerous if not done properly. Plus picking up ready-made fried chicken at a store or restaurant is just so darn convenient. Outsourcing […]

Fresh Figs and Ricotta with Thyme Honey and Cracked Pepper: An Easy, Elegant Ending to a Summer Meal

I grew up on a little island in British Columbia. Life there was, and still is, different than my life in the “real world” down here in Colorado. There they have a thing called island time, where everyone seems to just amble along without much rush. It sometimes drives my type-A personality bonkers, but nevertheless […]

Cabbage: The Ultimate Farewell-Summer Side Dish

Labor Day weekend is typically seen as the last hurrah of summer, as the days get shorter and kids get back into the routine of school. It offers many of us an extra day of rest to celebrate our hard work over the past year. Chances are good you’ll be firing up the grill … […]

Warm Grilled Vegetable Salad with Balsamic Dressing and Feta

It’s hot. Damn hot. Oh, and did I mention I have no air conditioning?! Yeah… In scorching weeks like these—if I have an appetite at all—I take as much of my cooking out to my deck as I can manage. To avoid my oven or stovetop, I’ll try pretty much anything on the grill: whole […]