Applied Trophology, Vol. 3, No. 6
(June 1959)

The Menace of the Microbe, Part II

The following is a transcription of the June 1959 issue of Dr. Royal Lee’s Applied Trophology newsletter, originally published by Standard Process Laboratories.

Also in this issue:

  • Replacement of Teeth, by Charles S. Tomes
  • Vitamin B Deficiency and Pediculosis
  • Diet in the Treatment of Cancer
  • Tip of the Month (Memory Deficits)
  • Mental Persuasion
  • Leukemia Due to Irradiation
  • High Points of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

The Menace of the Microbe, Part II 

(See Part I in the May 1959 issue of Applied Trophology.)

By adding the facts we know about protomorphology to the facts well established in bacteriology, the hypothesis [in Part I] seems, in the main, inescapable.

Dr. Price points out the fact that the worst systemic involvement from dental infection is where there is the least local reaction at the site of the tooth infection, meaning there is no local isolation by phagocyte activity to prevent the leakage of streptococcus enzymes or the organism itself into the circulation. Well-defined abscesses at the root apex of the tooth are not commonly indicative of distant pathology. Teeth that were infected but not bothering the patient very much were the worst. Where the infection was loosening the tooth by destroying the bone process, the inflammation was localized and not creating systemic effects of any moment.

Dr. Price also tells us that this characteristic of a streptococcus strain in the tooth to create distant, specific disease in the heart, ovary, or pancreas was soon lost in subsequent cultures:

“That this quality is transient in the organisms we have showed by the fact that, when they are grown on artificial media for a short time, they tend to usually lose this elective localization quality; but it is specific to a degree (during the period immediately following transfer from a dental infection of the patient suffering from that lesion to an animal without a lesion in the similar tissue) where it tends to develop disturbances in normal tissue of the type of that which is diseased in—or invaded by—infection from the dental (lesion) of—the patient.”6

Dr. Price goes on to show how the inoculation into a rabbit of cultures from a tooth abscess of a human diabetic patient resulted in diabetes in the rabbit.7

He created ovarian cysts in rabbits in a similar test where the human donor of the dental infection had an ovarian cyst of “goose egg” dimension removed some months previously.

These findings of Dr. Price have not been much publicized, no doubt for the very good reason that an explanation was not available to justify the conclusions of fact. Generally, in science facts are not recognized unless they can be explained, a practice that might be compared to the ostrich’s habit of fabled repute, sticking its head in the sand when confronted with indigestible facts.

But here we have facts of tremendous importance in the prevention and treatment of disease in the saving of human life. Now that we have a working hypothesis to explain the remarkable findings of men like Dr. Price, let us put it to work.

Number One: Use the cytotrophic extracts to control the natural tissue antibodies and promote healing of the specific organ in lesions caused by such antibody. The use of Pneumotrophin in bronchitis, for instance, is a demonstration of unmistakable merit in supporting this hypothesis, as is Cardiotrophin in the overworked heart and pancreatic cytotrophin [Pancreatrophin PMG] in the overworked pancreas.

Number Two: Provide the physiological nutrition that is irrevocably essential to health. For example, fresh ground flour in bread to avoid the rancid oils, which include dangerous carcinogens and liver poisons. Fresh, unrefined vegetable oils to lower blood cholesterol—to be used in place of refined oils or synthetic hydrogenated fats, which supply only unwanted calories. Write for free sample copy of our booklet on the Physiological Diet.

Number Three: Provide necessary food supplements (rather, the essential food factors) to compensate in some degree for the unavoidable shortcomings in the patient’s diet.

And here avoid the synthetic imitations of natural food complexes. Some are harmless, some are frightful poisons (B1 and viosterol).* None can perform the normal nutritional effect of natural foods. And beware of confusing pharmacological reactions with nutritional effects. This is often seen where drug dosages are used (more than three times the normal requirement). (This is where the federal Food and Drug Administration draws the line between food use and drug use.)

We can show that the food dosage is ample in all chronic disease to quickly relieve a deficiency. For example, where a Heart Sound Recording shows the absence of the second sound, vitamin F, in less than the estimated daily requirement, will restore the sound in ten minutes. This is a good test for the efficacy or integrity of a vitamin F concentrate, in fact. (At this time there is no recognized standard for a daily human requirement of vitamin F—in fact it has been denied officially that such a thing exists.)

Meanwhile, your patients with missing second sounds will be grateful for your ability to bring back the normal heart action. A missing second sound means a tired heart and a tired patient and, unless it is corrected, a shortened life in all probability. Your stethoscope will find quite a few patients with a missing second sound if you start looking for them.

*Thiamine (synthetic B1) causes sterility in subsequent generations in doses of more than twice the daily requirement (Barnett Sure, 1942). Viosterol causes kidney calcification and hematuria and has fatally poisoned unknown numbers of infants. Natural vitamin D has no such toxicity. (See Weston A. Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration for more information.)


  1. Price, Weston A. Dental Infections: Oral and Systemic, Vol. 1, p. 583. Penton Publishing Co., 1921.
  2. Ibid, p. 622.
  3. Price, Weston A. Dental Infections and the Degenerative Diseases, Vol. 2, p. 55. Penton Publishing Co., 1923.
  4. Price, Weston A. Dental Infections: Oral and Systemic, Vol. 1, pp. 318–319. Penton Publishing Co., 1921.
  5. Ibid, p. 565.
  6. Ibid, p. 427.
  7. Ibid, p. 428.

Replacement of Teeth

By Charles S. Tomes, FRS

The teeth of uncivilized races of mankind are of such quality that, like the teeth of animals, they do not call for, and of course do not receive, any special care. And notwithstanding this neglect of attention, they rarely succumb to any disorder, nor do they fail their possessor prior to the attainment of old age…

But among the more highly civilized communities, a widely different state of things exists. It is no uncommon thing for the teeth of an individual—shown by the tests of vigor of frame, endurance, capacity for work, and longevity to be otherwise healthy—to have been largely destroyed by disease, even before the attainment of middle life, whilst the existence of sound teeth in the mouth of a person who has attained old age is rare enough to be talked of as remarkable.

A tooth knocked out and at once replaced in its socket will, in a large number of cases, reunite; it should be carefully washed in warm water, the vacant socket cleared of blood clots, and the tooth pressed firmly home into its place; it should be disturbed as little as possible…if going to reunite, it will be pretty secure in two or three days. The longer the tooth has been out, the less the prospect of success; but the present writer once succeeded with a front tooth that had been out for twelve hours and had become thoroughly begrimed.

It would seem to be an occurrence so usual that it may almost be said to be normal that the teeth should become loose by the absorption of their bony sockets and fall out in advanced old age.

—Reprinted from The Book of Health, Cassell & Co., London, 1885.

Vitamin B Deficiency and Pediculosis

Among the curiosities of current pathologic research is Gyorgy’s (Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., 38:383, April 1938) recent observation that vitamin B2 deficiency is often associated with pediculosis in rats and that avitaminotic, lice-infested rats can be successfully deloused by the oral administration of riboflavin.1 If confirmed, this observation would seem to suggest that riboflavin is a necessary factor in the normal sensory acuity of the skin, a deficiency in this factor reducing skin sensitivity so that the rats do not keep themselves normally free from these parasites. Other explanations are, of course, possible.

Gyorgy’s observation was a byproduct of a five-year study of the various types of vitamin B deficiency. Pediculosis was observed in about 20 percent of all rats that were kept for two to three months on a vitamin B2-free diet. Lice, however, did not appear in control rats fed diets free from other fractions of the vitamin B complex. Therapeutic administration of riboflavin to the lice-infested rats was followed by a complete disappearance of the parasites, often accompanied by replacement of diseased patches by new fur.

At first Gyorgy regarded this phenomenon as purely coincidental, probably associated with a generally diminished vitality of the rats, which might then be unable to keep themselves clean in the efficient manner of normal animals. To his surprise, however, the majority of the lice-infested rats were by no means weakened or inactive. Moreover, pediculosis was not observed even in moribund rats suffering from B6 avitaminosis or in rats moribund for lack of the maturation factor. He therefore concluded that the observed pediculosis was specific for riboflavin deficiency. Effects of B2 avitaminosis on cutaneous reflexes and sensory acuity have not yet been studied, nor have the conceivable changes in the odor, flavor, or pH of the skin as yet been investigated.

—From J.A.M.A., Vol. 111, p. 257, 1938.

Diet in the Treatment of Cancer Patients

Diet is a valuable help in the general treatment of cancer patients. Nutritional improvement of the general condition creates more favorable conditions for the cancer treatment proper. Operations carried out on undernourished patients often have disagreeable sequelae (disruption of suture line, slow healing). Protein metabolism is important as a basic factor in the powers of resistance. A negative nitrogen balance—often observed in cancer patients—should always be corrected before active treatment is begun. In the author’s experience, whenever a patient with a persistently negative nitrogen balance was treated, it was found that the development of the tumor was very rapid and often fatal. In many cases a suitable diet permits restoration of nitrogen balance, and this is reflected in an improvement of the general condition (Bernard, PhF., Inst. Gustave Roussy, Zentr. Hosp., Ecquevilly. “Die Bedeutung der Diatetik in der Behandlung Krebskranker.” Med. Mschr., 11/7:421–423, 1957, in German).

—From Excerpta Medica Cancer, Vol. 7, No. 1, Sect. XVII, p.64, January 1959.

Tip of the Month (Memory Deficits)

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) tablets in large daily doses have given exceptional results in overcoming severe memory deficits and marked confusion. A starting dosage of two tablets is increased by doubling daily until a change is noted (up to sixteen tablets per day if necessary). After a favorable reaction is experienced, reduce dosage to normal.

Mental Persuasion

“There are times when psychology, psychosomatics, salesmanship, and hypnosis seem to be different ways of describing the same phenomenon of mental persuasion.”

South Carolina Dental Journal

Leukemia Due to Irradiation

“A fatal case of acute granulocytic leukemia in a ten-month-old infant, in which the cause may have been excessive X-rays of the mother during pregnancy, was reported by F.W. Gunz and coworkers (Lancet 1:190, 1958). The child was a fourth child and was apparently normal when born, after an uncomplicated labor, the birth weight being 4,422 g (9 lb, 12 oz). She developed much as her three siblings had and was well until six weeks before admission to hospital, when she began to bruise easily. She died on the eleventh hospital day, and the diagnosis was confirmed at autopsy. The obstetric history was that the mother was obese (238 lb) (108 kg), and because of doubt about the position of the fetus, she was X-rayed three times, with a total of five exposures, of which three were anteroposterior and two were lateral projections. These were carried out on November 15 and 28 and December 7 (the day before delivery). Because of her obesity, the exposure times were longer than usual, and no added filter was used for any of the exposures. It is estimated that the total dose to the fetus was 25.35 R.”

—J.A.M.A., Sept. 20, 1958

High Points of Standard Process Nutritional Adjuncts

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA), which is a derivative of yeast, has been reported in past years to be beneficial as a tonic, nervine, diuretic, and uric acid solvent. Conditions such as anemia, gout, paralysis, rachitis, and tuberculosis have been treated with some success. It is also known that it promotes leukocytosis and improves thyroid activity in patients with a low metabolic rate, and in some instances, it restores normal thyroid function. This is especially noted in patients complaining of cold extremities. As suggested in Tip of the Month, the use of this product for mentally confused patients is a more recent development.

Synergistic products are: Arginex, Biost tablets, Vitamin C Complex [Cataplex C], and Thymex.



Heather Wilkinson

Heather Wilkinson is Senior Editor at Selene River Press.

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