Applied Trophology, Vol. 1, No. 4
(April 1957)

The Ideal Drinking Water

The following is a transcription of the April 1957 issue of Dr. Royal Lee’s Applied Trophology newsletter, originally published by Standard Process Laboratories.

Also in this issue:

  • Vitamin B Complex in Diabetes
  • What Do Patients Like About a Doctor?
  • Tip of the Month (X-ray Burn Treatment)
  • Q&A
  • High Points of Choline, Okra Pepsin E3, Disodium Phosphate, Inositol, Soybean Lecithin, and Prolamine Iodine

The Ideal Drinking Water

Spring water or well water is the best drinking water, preferably a hard water containing calcium bicarbonate (the kind that leaves a calcium deposit in the teakettle). This kind of calcium is completely assimilated and builds bone by combining with the organic phosphorus found in cereals and the lecithins of natural fats. It is this calcium bicarbonate that is essential in the bloodstream to prevent our children from becoming susceptible to polio, colds, and other febrile diseases of childhood. In fact, calcium bicarbonate deficiency alone can cause a child to have recurrent fever, a fever that disappears at once upon the administration of calcium lactate or gluconate (which forms calcium bicarbonate after absorption). Such calcium-deficiency fevers are common in children during the ages of rapid bone growth, especially where the youngster is getting too much of such cereal foods as oatmeal and Wheaties, without enough hard-water calcium. The phosphorus of the cereal is out of proportion to the calcium bicarbonate intake.

Many dentists routinely prescribe Calcium Lactate tablets for young patients who show soft, chalky teeth and are nervous, restless, and unmanageable, these all being symptoms of the typical calcium-deficient child. These children are worse in summer, for the vitamin D effect of sunlight acts to raise their blood calcium at the expense of the cell fluids, reversing the normal flow of calcium from the blood to the tissues. Natural forms of vitamin D such as cod liver oil contain vitamin F as well as the D, the F being an essential partner of the D, causing the diffusion of the blood calcium into the cells. The vitamin D alone acts to load up the bloodstream only, and you can well realize that a loaded transportation system is no guarantee of delivery unless some provision exists to unload the commodity at the destination.

Here is a good example of how the unwitting chemist has misled the nutritional world—by telling us that synthetic vitamin D is equivalent to cod liver oil. The synthetic D could never be at best more than half the vitamin and do half the job. In many cases it is worse than nothing. Synthetic D has been found to be a poison to babies deficient in vitamin F, causing death in doses no greater than the recommended daily requirement, according to reports recorded in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Nausea and inability to hold anything in the stomach is one reaction to viosterol poisoning, and the baby may starve to death. One good source of vitamin F is butterfat. A baby fed on prepared baby food that has had the butterfat removed and oleo or refined vegetable oil put in its place is the best subject for viosterol poisoning. Practically all present-day baby foods are of this kind.

Good water is one that has been filtered through the ground to reach the well or spring and has thereby accumulated a load of antigens, otherwise known to science as “pyrogens” since they cause fever if injected into the bloodstream. They are the residues of disease-producing bacteria, and by drinking them we develop an immunity to the germ or virus that put them into the water.

In foreign countries where polio is relatively nonexistent as a known disease, the blood of the children has been found with antibodies to polio, which prevent them from contracting the disease. These children were immunized the natural way, not by a shot of Salk vaccine. It is very probable that their diet of unrefined natural foods, which promptly supplied the necessary factors to make antibodies, was responsible for their freedom from polio. (The refined sugar of our candy, soft drinks, and ice cream is undoubtedly an important difference in the dietary patterns. We know the best way to create a susceptibility to infectious disease in test animals is to feed them a diet of demineralized foods, particularly if heat-treated or cooked.)

Cooking, or boiling, water destroys the antigenic effect of the pyrogens, so while boiled water is safe in that it cannot cause infection, it cannot build the real health of the person who has accumulated his normal quota of immunities against the prevalent infectious diseases of his community. You may begin to see why the most carefully protected children may be the least robust.

The addition of fluorides to water to protect children against tooth decay is another mistake. Some water contains calcium fluoride in amounts of one part per million and has shown some possible evidence of causing a harder tooth enamel, although probably an abnormal form that is more brittle. But the addition of sodium fluoride—a chemical that is about seventy-five times as poisonous in animal tests—to drinking water seems the height of immature judgment.

In fact, Dr. Clive McCay at Cornell University recently reported (Journal of Gerontology, January 1957) that 1 part per million of sodium fluoride added to the drinking water of rats caused a reverse effect, creating tooth decay where it otherwise did not exist. Further, it caused kidney cell breakdown in the older rats. Dr. Alton Ochsner of the celebrated Ochsner Clinic of New Orleans has reported that older persons lose their teeth faster if they get any fluorides in their water.

We need to keep in mind the basic principle, so well expressed by the first head of our Federal Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, that any poison, no matter how little, added to food or drink is too much, and a violation of the Pure Food Law. Like emery powder in a gear box, the damage is proportional to the amount and shortens life accordingly.

Vitamin B Complex in Diabetes

In an article that appeared in the November 1945 issue of Experimental Medicine and Surgery, Biskind and Schreier present evidence that diabetes mellitus represents in the vast majority of patients impairment of both liver function and response to insulin. This, according to the authors, results from protracted vitamin B complex deficiency.

Among 94 diabetic patients studied, every one showed signs and symptoms of deficiency of the vitamin B complex factors. Intensive, persistent oral or oral-and-parenteral therapy with vitamin B complex led to striking improvement in general health and often to marked improvement in carbohydrate metabolism. Reduction or entire elimination of insulin requirement frequently occurred.

“Twenty-five patients who had diabetes for periods ranging from 3 months to 20 years (average duration 5.9 years) showed striking reductions in fasting blood sugar, from an average of 270 mg per 100 cc to an average of 123 mg (range 100 mg to 129 mg), on vitamin therapy alone. Of the series of 94 cases, 2 patients proved refractory to intensive and protracted nutritional therapy, showing no improvement in carbohydrate metabolism and only slight improvement in avitaminotic lesions. Both these patients showed indications of very severe avitaminosis B of many years. Their failure of response no doubt represents either irreversible tissue changes or failure to supply as yet unrecognized nutritional factors. Significantly, both these patients failed completely to respond to large doses of insulin.”

What Do Patients Like About a Doctor?

From a survey of a small number of patients including those in a big city outpatient clinic, a research team from the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center in New York reported that the people queried liked a particular doctor first of all because of his kindness, understanding, interest, and sympathy; a close second was intelligence, knowledge, skill, and training. In third place were the results obtained by his treatments or progress made in curing the patient. Perhaps the family doctor of earlier days who made his daily rounds calling on the sick had some tonic effect apart from the medicine prescribed.

Consumer Research Bulletin.

Tip of the Month (X-Ray Burn Treatment)

Use Vitamin F Ointment [USF Ointment] externally and Epithelial Cytotrophic Extract [Dermatrophin PMG] internally for Xray burns, no matter of how long standing. You will see results in progressive improvement.

Questions and Answers

Q. What percentage of vitamins are lost through heat dissipation during the flour grinding process?

A. Very little. The flour is not overheated in the Lee Household Flour Mill. The air flow through the grinding chamber dries the flour and stops the progress of oxidation of oils that otherwise is very rapid. In usual milling the wheat is moistened before grinding to toughen the germ and bran to ensure their complete removal. This moisture hastens the deterioration of the oils and vitamins remaining.

Q. What is the cause of warts? How do you eliminate them? Is it a mineral deficiency?

A. Warts are caused by a specific virus. Vitamin G Complex [Cataplex G] or Epithelial Cytotrophin [Dermatrophin PMG] are good. Papillomatous growths on heart valves or in bladder (stopping fluid exit) are commonly removed by G complex.

Q. What vitamin therapy would be indicated in virus infections and flu?

A. Calcium Lactate (two per hour), with Vitamin A-C [Cataplex A-C] (two per hour), and one or two Vitamin F Complex tablets [Cataplex F], until fever or distress is under control.

Q. Protomorphology in mental conditions?

A. Brain Cytotrophin [Neurotrophin PMG] is very useful where a history of skull fracture has been followed by mental symptoms, slow mentality, etc.

Q. Why would an apparently healthy five-year-old male have a cold every three weeks, followed by a severe cough?

A. Probably calcium deficiency. Give two tablets Calcium Lactate every morning upon rising and two Vitamin A-C tablets [Cataplex A-C]. Vitamin F [Cataplex F] may be necessary.

Q. Why do you advise only Vitamin G Complex [Cataplex G] in cases of cirrhosis of the liver? Isn’t B important also?

A. Thiamine aggravates liver cirrhosis; the G complex relieves it.

Q. Will the Ovary Cytotrophin [Ovatrophin PMG], taken during menopause, help to normalize and alleviate the associate discomfort and hot flashes?

 A. Yes, plus Wheat Germ Oil and Vitamin F Complex [Cataplex F].

High Points of Standard Process Nutritional Adjuncts

Choline Tablets: Useful in promoting liver activity in connection with the Vitamin G Complex [Cataplex G]. Choline deficiency is suspected to be a part of the cause of liver cirrhosis.

Comfrey-Pepsin E3 Tablets [Okra Pepsin E3]: Helpful as a rule in gastritis and indigestion. The comfrey is a celebrated aid in the promotion of healing reaction.

Disodium Phosphate: A valuable liver tonic and activator. Phosphates are important in facilitating storage of blood sugar in muscle cells. Disodium phosphate in deficient persons improves their endurance and stamina and has a beneficial effect on the bowel. A valuable adjunct in gallstone tendencies.

Inositol: A valuable adjunct in diabetes. Helps activate insulin and lower blood sugar; cooperates in this respect with Cardiotrophin.

Lecithin Perles [Soybean Lecithin]: For use as an aid to bile salts or Cholacol in promoting the assimilation of reserve fat—via its physiological emulsifying action. It’s a physiological antagonist for cholesterol; tends to lower blood pressure.

Organic Iodine Tablets (Prolamine Iodine): Most useful as a remedy for the hot flashes of menopause. The cause is excess secretion of thyrotrophic hormone by the pituitary. Organic Iodine appears to promptly control this overactivity.

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