Substitution Chart for Today’s Cooks

Chocolate chip cookies

Ask Chef Phyllis: Years ago I had a refrigerator magnet that displayed equivalent amounts for baking, like 4 quarts equal 1 gallon and other basic information that most cooks know already. Now I’m looking for a different kind of substitution chart that has more up-to-date equivalents. For example, healthier swaps such as a better fat […]

Moroccan Chicken with Lemon, Saffron, and Green Olives

Moroccan Chicken

Moroccan cuisine is a personal favorite. The country’s location, with coastline on both the North Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, helped it become a mecca of trade with other cultures and nations over the course of millennia. While Moroccan food harnesses culinary influences from Andalusia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean, the resulting cuisine features […]

Muscle Response Analysis: Endocrine System, Featuring Dr. Lowell Keppel, DC

MRA chart

Your patients go beyond traditional medicine. They want to get to the root of the problem, not just cover up symptoms. As patients increasingly demand a holistic approach to health care, practitioners need the right tools to treat them. Begin the process of improving your patient evaluations with Muscle Response Analysis, a method you can […]

The Warming Power of RNA

RNA warmth

If you have a consistently low body temperature below 98.6°, you may need the warming miracle of RNA (ribonucleic acid). Many of us aren’t aware that paying attention to our body temperature is one of the most important things we can do to help resolve numerous health issues. A person with a consistent low body […]

Springtime Asparagus Salad with Bacon, Egg, and Tarragon

Springtime Asparagus Salad

I’m writing this post fresh off a balmy 80° day, one I welcomed with open arms and bare feet. I think it’s fairly safe to say that spring has officially sprung! This time of year is my personal favorite. I love the buzzing energy, the chirping birds, and the dew-glistened, newly sprouted growth. I love […]

An Open Letter from Your Skin

bare legs at pool

Dear Person, I’ve been meaning to talk with you about a few things but wasn’t sure how to approach it. The subtle signs I’ve been sending you don’t seem to be doing the trick, so now I’m going with a more direct approach in hopes we can remain friends. Just remember that I always have […]

Wonder and Awe: The Honeybee Worker, Part 2 of 2

bee and flowers

Click here to read the first installment of Donald Studinski’s “Wonder and Awe: The Honeybee Worker.” In part one of this series, we covered the early days, or about the first two weeks, of a honeybee worker’s life. It’s a time we can think of as adolescence. At the end of the second week, she […]

7 Foods to NEVER Put in Your Mouth!


Hydrogenated fats, artificial ingredients, toxic chemicals—a lot of what passes for food these days should never pass your lips. Take a look at the following list, and start paying attention to what you put in your mouth. Some are no-brainers, and others may surprise you. But that’s only because the food industry has been so […]

Stinky Pee and Other Good Reasons to Eat Asparagus


Yum! One of my favorite vegetable seasons is underway, which means asparagus abounds. Sure, these days you can find it in the grocery store pretty much all year long, but that doesn’t mean it’s always worth eating. Asparagus isn’t like the grape tomato, which has a flavor that seems to hold up no matter when […]

Precious, Ancient Liquid: A Primer on Essential Oil

Essential oils

My fascination with essential oils began many years ago, when I was making a meal that included lots of jalapeño peppers. Absentminded as to the power of essential oils, I proceeded to cut and scrape out the seeds with my bare hands! Within a few minutes, they were literally on fire with a type of […]

Lamb Shanks with Tomato, Mint, and Basil

Lamb shank

Easter is just around the corner, and this time of year always brings me thoughts of the small island in the Pacific Northwest where I grew up. With spring came lush green meadows, heavenly scented orchards, and glorious dewy mornings. The island was also a prime location for raising sheep, so much so that it […]

Simple Spring Cycle Splurges

Bicycle riders

The arrival of the spring equinox is a surefire signal that it’s time to dust off those bicycles that have been cooped up in storage all winter long. Riding a bike sparks a certain excitement that nothing else can. I mean, really—don’t we all remember the first time we rode our very own bike solo? […]