Category Archives: Uncategorized

Food that Tells a Story

Summertime brings more than warmth to my body. It also brings thoughts of preserving the abundance that the season so generously gives us. It’s the beginning of the long-awaited harvest—a time of year I love! In a climate where it’s possible to keep gardens, many of us grow cucumbers. Oodles of them. And when there […]

Curried Winter Squash Soup with Coconut Milk:
Soul-Warming Food for Chilly Winter Days

In Colorado we usually get to enjoy an abundance of sunshine even in the midst of winter. The ability to soak up some rays in January is a real treat, and it’s one of the many reasons I love living here. Irrespective, I also appreciate more typical winter weather. Sometimes, during a particularly mild or […]

Spotlight on Fort Collins: Guide to Great Organic Grocers and Farmers’ Markets in the Choice City

Fort Collins is an amazing city. The beer, the community feel, the music scene: there’s no shortage of reasons to love it. One of the coolest aspects of living in this city is easy access to all the tools you need to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Fort Collins has an amazing selection of organic grocers […]

Radically Rooted in Health and Wellness

Back when I was in chiropractic college, I remember the day in pathology class (the study of sickness) when my instructor held up a pot with a beautiful, colorful, vibrant, wonderfully scented flower. It filled our classroom with a sweet and pleasant aroma. Our instructor talked about the secret part of the plant. He explained […]

Solved by Walking: Simple Steps to Health


In our modern life, have modern men and women lost touch with—or just forgotten—what our long-dead bipedaling ancestors inherently knew about the benefits of walking? When was the last time we were inspired to read books and essays with titles such as Reveries of the Solitary Walker, In Praise of Walking, or Foot Notes; or, […]

Nourishing Your Pet: Spotlight on Raw Food Diets and More!

Dog and cat

While basking quietly in my cozy reading chair and watching the morning sun coming through my east bedroom window, I was surprised by the sudden PA-LOP! that brought me out of my reverie. There, to my surprise, was my sweet cat curling up in my lap, wanting to also enjoy those welcome rays of morning […]

Proteins, Hormones, Fats, and Children

Parents with child

Every cell, tissue, gland, bone, and organ in your body is made from protein. Without protein, you cannot repair and rebuild these vital body parts. Processed grains, cereals, breads, chips, and sugary foods provide nothing but a quick burst of energy and calories to burn. These sugary and starchy foods have no protein components whatsoever […]

Food Wars Underway

Do you think government-subsidized medicine is a new and enlightened development in our country? As the freedom for Americans to make their own health care decisions disappears into the dungeons of government bureaucracy, along with the doctors’ freedom to chose the best treatment for their patients, do you think it’s high time that we took […]

Really, Stanford?

There is a newly identified form of malnutrition called IFS: Intentional Food Stupidity. It’s caused by a deficiency of survival instinct. Apparently, Stanford U has it bad. Pardon my snark, but it irks me that the “science” from Stanford reported in September 2012 wants to convince us that the only benefit of organic food is […]

Does the FDA Know that GMO Salmon Is Safe? NO.

Salmon will become the first approved GMO animal produced for human consumption. Is it a safe food? Who knows. Certainly not the FDA. As Earth Open Source points out, based on the evidence presented in their report GMO Myths and Truths, there is no need to take risks with GM foods when effective, readily available, sustainable solutions already […]