Tag Archives: alternative health

A Rare Opportunity with Mr. Mark Anderson

Listening to a lecture about disease can be difficult, and the subject matter can be dry, but when the speaker is Mr. Mark Anderson, it can become a life-changing experience and a valuable gift of knowledge. Once a year in Denver, Colorado, Mr. Anderson presents at Back to School for Doctors, a comprehensive seminar on […]

Stuffy Nose? Grab the Honeycomb!

I would venture a guess that most of us automatically grab for a tissue and blow like crazy when we can’t breathe through our nose. I mean, breathing is pretty important to our livelihood, yes? So getting rid of whatever bothersome thing that’s stopping the free flow of air becomes a pretty high priority, and […]

Tools for Becoming Your OwnSelf-Health Advocate

Acting as your own self-health advocate can be a challenge, especially when you aren’t medically minded by nature. When I first realized that I needed to educate myself about health-related topics—not just for my family’s well-being, but also my own—I wasn’t even sure where to begin. As I mentioned in a previous article about being […]

Complimentary Herbs and Nerves Seminar Featuring Lee Carroll!

Attention, practitioners! Colorado will be the place to be March 11–13, 2014, for Lee Carroll’s seminar on Herbs and Nerves: Pain, Insomnia and Anxiety. These half-day seminars are complimentary, but advance registration is required, so sign up today! Don’t miss out on the chance to hear a lecture by one of the foremost authorities on […]

Here’s the Scoop on Poop

When you live in a house full of boys, bathroom humor is common, especially if your goal is some sure-fire laughs. It’s been my experience that there’s no age limit on this particular kind of hilarity, because scatological jokes create chuckles from the young to the old. There are times when the boys get on […]

Keep Your Spirits High When the Sun Is Low

It’s about this time of year that I begin longing for warm days and the bounty of summer. While it’s a subtle feeling, the shorter days of winter can still get a little heavy, and it’s during this time that I find myself needing a quick energy boost to keep me going. I know I’m […]

The Gut Brain Connection

Had any gut feelings lately? Your gut bacteria may be trying to tell you something. Science is starting to confirm what some already know—that what happens in our gut affects what goes on in our brains and also influences our moods and our feelings. This makes sense considering the fact that there’s a ten to […]

Introducing Our…Muscle Response Analysis Chart!

We’re delighted to introduce our new Muscle Response Analysis Chart by Dr. Lowell Keppel. This beautiful, full-color chart illustrates the science behind Muscle Response Analysis, highlighting the following 7 reflex points: organ, immune, vital signs, digestive, mineral, endocrine, and vitamin/Cataplex. Practitioners will love this simple, reliable tool that consistently produces good results with patients. This […]

Dr. Keppel is BACK and better than ever!

Attention, healthcare practitioners, healthcare students and staff active in clinical assessments…we have a seminar for you. If you’re interested in a systematic approach to Nutritional Muscle Testing that will enhance your testing results, along with pre- and post-treatment assessments, attend this seminar! Join Dr. Lowell Keppel, D.C., as he helps you go through a specific […]

Lee Carroll, a gift of wisdom on MediHerb all the way from Australia!

Salt Lake City, Utah, will be the place to be on Feb 1, 2014, for those of you who understand the use of nature’s medicine in coping with the stresses of modern living. All the way from Australia, Lee Carroll, one of the foremost authorities on the Standard Process Australian company, MediHerb, will be speaking […]

Healthier Self-Care for the New Year

There’s an easy way to avoid the toxic chemicals that lurk in commercial cleaning products—make your own! I’ve been doing it the DIY way for quite some time, making my own laundry and dishwasher soap, among other products for around the house. For much of your sanitizing and cleaning needs, the switch can be as […]

Your Health Has a New Best Friend: Intuition

If my boys had a nickel for every time I tried to convince them they really did like a particular food, despite their claims to the contrary—well, let’s just say they’d have a lot of nickels. Why do parents do this? Sure, it’s our job to expose our kids to new foods—“eating the rainbow” and […]

Honeybees Can Dress Your Wounds—And More!

Before penicillin, Dr. Mercola points out, honey was a conventional means for preventing and treating infection. Now we know why. Raw honey not only kills infectious bacteria, it also reduces the biofilms they produce. Raw honey is the stuff you get from your local beekeepers, including (shameless plug) Honeybee Keep. This is far superior to […]

Act Naturally

“To live medically is to live miserably,” wrote Thomas Cleave in 1956. And he knew firsthand. Cleave was not only a medical doctor, he was a surgeon captain in the British Royal Navy, and his position gave him a unique, worldly view of medicine in the mid-twentieth century, one that was blunt in its assessment […]

This Year, Let’s Give Gifts with a Purpose

The gift giving season is here! Every year, I try to dream up the perfect idea for everyone on my list. There’s always the latest and greatest toy that my nephew might enjoy. And for my dad, there’s this year’s newest time saver for gardening that everyone’s been raving about. But many times, these things […]

All Hail Apple Cider Vinegar

Okay, folks. It’s time for a quiz. What common household product has been used for medicinal purposes since the time of Hippocrates, “The Father of Medicine,” in 400 BC? What comes in a bottle and soothes sunburns and insect bites? What can be poured in your bath water to relieve sore muscles and achy joints? […]

Self-Care for Holiday Stress: Surviving the 12 Days of Christmas

Looking for a cheap and easy way to cope with holiday stress that’s guaranteed not to leave you with a hangover—or added inches to your waistline? Then read on. Acupressure, developed in Asia some 5,000 years ago, is a type of bodywork therapy. It involves pressing or massaging specific points on the body using a […]

Chicken Soup: A Bowl Full of Science

I just learned something that blew my mind! But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself…Show of hands: how many of you are familiar with the old wives’ tale about making your loved ones chicken soup when they get sick? Everyone’s hand is up, right? Well, what if I told you this isn’t just an old […]

Make Exercise a Priority, Even When You’re Traveling for the Holidays

The holidays are a busy time of year when our regular exercise routine can easily go by the wayside. How do you make sure your physical activity level doesn’t plummet during the season, even when you’re traveling? Our holiday travel always involves a visit with family, which means I can’t take advantage of a hotel […]

What Have You Done for Your Lymph Lately?

 When was the last time you paid attention to your lymphatic system? If you’re in the same boat I was in about two years ago, you probably answered, “Um, what exactly is my lymphatic system?” It’s not that I woke up one morning and said, “Hey, today I think I’ll do something nice for my lymphatic system.” […]