Tag Archives: holistic medicine

Help, I Have GERD!
A Tale of Two Sphincters

According to MarketWatch.com, “The global Antacids market was 6120 million US$ in 2018 and is expected to be 6460 million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 0.7% between 2019 and 2025.” An impressive number, especially when you consider that all these sales are meant to reduce or eliminate a key […]

The Two Most Important Tools for Health

As I’ve stated before, we need to do the following to stay healthy: move well, sleep well, eat well, and think well. This principle is loosely borrowed from Dr. James Chestnut, who was the first recipient of the Certified Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle (CCWL) and whose book Live Right for Your Species Type is still the […]

Flu? Stomach Bug? Stage 1 of the GAPS Diet to the Rescue!

‘Tis the holiday season. Unfortunately, ’tis also flu and stomach bug season. But have no fear, for the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet is here. Should your tummy feel queasy and uneasy this holiday season, or any other time of year, it’s back to Stage 1 of GAPS. The diet is easy to do, […]

Do Germs Make Us Sick?

We’ve all been there—the fever, the sinus drainage, the congestion, the aches and pains. But nobody wants to be sick! Darn those nasty germs…it’s all their fault! Or is it? You might be surprised to learn that germs are everywhere. If you swab your shoes or purse, wipe it on a petri dish, and let […]

Natural Methods for Treating Chronic Pain

At the tail end of August 2009, a mysterious pain bloomed in my stomach—and changed my life forever. For over a year, I endured what seemed like endless tests, procedures, and surgeries, not to mention mind-numbing pain, and still found no relief. My surgeons and gastroenterologist had no idea what was causing the pain, so […]

Surprising Things Your Body Can Tell You About Your Heart

Our bodies are amazing. Each part serves a specific purpose, but they also work together to give us signals when something isn’t quite right. Since February is all about the heart, here are some surprising things the rest of your body can tell you about your heart——and what you can do to diminish your risk […]

4 Alternatives to the Flu Shot

“Get your flu shot here!” It’s hard to drive around town this time of year without seeing these signs. My intention isn’t to tell you whether or not you should swing into the parking lot next time you see one of them, but I do think it’s important to know that you have alternatives. It’s […]

4 Fallacies of Synthetic Vitamin Consumption

One of my favorite sayings is the famous Mae West quip, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!” I love this quote as it applies to my personal life goals and ambitions, not to mention my children. But when I really think about it, I see the danger this kind of thinking can […]

Relaxation: The Cure-All Vitamin

Some years back I saw a survey of several thousand people who were asked what they considered their greatest blessing. The majority indicated “A good night’s sleep!”   I don’t disagree. Thinking back to when I was privileged to meet Sally Fallon Morell for the first time, my most poignant memory is proudly holding onto […]

Muscle Response Analysis: Organs & Immune System, Featuring Lowell Keppel, DC

I’m not a pill person. I demand more from my doctor than “take this pill.” I want to get to the root of the problem, not cover up symptoms. As the demand for a holistic approach to health care grows, practitioners need the right tools to treat patients who want these options. Add one of […]

Two Practitioners and Two Methods at One Great Seminar

Nutrition is on everyone’s mind these days. I have a pretty good idea of what’s healthy and what isn’t, but is it that simple? We need professional and customized guidance when it comes to the complex web of nutritional health. Holistic practitioners are perfectly poised to tap into these concerns that we all face on […]

Muscle Response Analysis: Advanced Review, featuring Lowell Keppel, D.C.

Benchmarks…people say it all the time, but what does it mean? A benchmark is a point of reference from which measurements may be made. It’s something you use to track your progress. So how does Muscle Response Analysis work as a benchmark, you might ask? Well, if you want to learn more, Dr. Lowell Keppel […]

The Six Core Principles of Trophotherapy, Featuring Dr. Michael Gaeta

If you’re a healthcare practitioner and you don’t know what trophotherapy is, here’s your opportunity to find out! The short answer? Trophotherapy is the science of healing by applied nutrition. But as a practitioner, you need to know more. With this seminar quickly approaching, there’s no better time to get the critical information you need […]

We’ll See You at Back to School!

It’s rare in this day and age to find people in the world of health and nutrition with as much experience and knowledge as Mark Anderson. For 44 years, Mr. Anderson has been educating health practitioners about the teachings of Dr. Royal Lee, the brilliant nutritional leader whose works have withstood the test of time. […]

A Whole New Kind of Wild Rice

As an avid self-healther and an information junkie, I’m always interested in reading about different philosophies and pioneers of real-food nutrition and alternative health. That’s why I was excited to see that one of the July specials at SRP is Wild Rice: The Biography of Vivian Lillie Rice by David Blot and Libby Demmon. Sure […]

Back to School for Doctors 2014: Principles, Not Trends

When I first read the Back to School for Doctors 2014 brochure, a single statement caught my eye: “Principles, not trends.” My attention was instantly captured because navigating trendy styles of eating is frustrating for someone like me who has suffered the consequences of years of poor diet choices. Thankfully, there are shoot-from-the-hip people like […]

Here Comes the Sun: To Expose or Not to Expose

Summer vacations and loads of outdoor activities are going to be here before you know it, which means you’ve got a big decision to make. Hide in the shade the whole time or bask in the sun’s glory? Lots of us keep to the shade, no matter how much we’d rather soak up the rays. […]

Salt Lake City Welcomes Dr. Lowell Keppel!

Do you want to: Fine-tune your Muscle Response Analysis testing? Better serve your patients? Get 8 CEU credits? Then don’t miss this seminar on Muscle Response Analysis! Selene River Press and Standard Process West are proud to sponsor Lowell Keppel, DC, in Salt Lake City on June 7, 2014. Dr. Keppel’s seminar is designed for […]

Lee Carroll, a gift of wisdom on MediHerb all the way from Australia!

Salt Lake City, Utah, will be the place to be on Feb 1, 2014, for those of you who understand the use of nature’s medicine in coping with the stresses of modern living. All the way from Australia, Lee Carroll, one of the foremost authorities on the Standard Process Australian company, MediHerb, will be speaking […]