Category Archives: Product Spotlight

A Terrible Ten: Know Your Faux Health Foods

Terrible Ten cover

If you’re reading this blog post, you probably understand a thing or two about proper nutrition, and you definitely know what’s up at the grocery store. No white bread or soda for you. No corn syrup or GMOs. And no junk food, ever. When you get home and start carefully unloading your canvas tote, you […]

The Science and Art of Muscle Response Analysis


What, exactly, is muscle testing? If you’re a practitioner, now is a great time to find out. Available as a 3-DVD set or as on-demand videos, Dr. Lowell Keppel’s “Muscle Response Analysis: Seminar & Workshop” walks you through the deceptively simple process that can greatly improve your level of communication and quality care. It costs […]

Practitioners: Harness the Knowledge of Protomorphogens

Protomorphogens CD

In September 1957 Dr. Royal Lee presented a wide-ranging lecture on his groundbreaking theory of autoimmune disease for a rapt audience of doctors in Detroit. Those original source recordings have now been digitally mastered and collected in Dr. Royal Lee on Protomorphogens. A compelling primer on the autoimmune process, this new audio CD is a […]

Common Sense Nation:
An Insightful Lesson in the Power of Language

Common Sense Nation cover

Dr. Robert Curry is a retired chiropractor from Southern California and a longtime friend and colleague of mine at Standard Process. I’ve always looked forward to our times together when I could listen to his cogent thoughts on historical events and his deep insights into the convergence of ideas and movements that shaped the American […]

Practitioners: Tailor Your Nutritional Approach with a Simple New Chart

Organ chart

Some practitioners always seem to be on the lookout, forever seeking new ways to integrate the best nutritional formulas into their practice. If that sounds familiar, we have a new tool for you. The “Nutrition Affiliated with Organs, Glands, and Tissues Chart” is a straightforward, practical guide that cross-references 45 different organs, glands, and tissues […]

Introducing the Natural Fast-Aid Cabinet

Natural Fast-Aid Cabinet

While your first-aid kit is good for the occasional scrape or sunburn, that tube of antibiotic ointment is pretty much useless when it comes to allergies, heartburn, or bloating. In fact, there’s a host of maladies that are best addressed with high quality, food-based nutritional supplements rather than adhesive pads and tweezers. Now families have […]

Why We Get Sick and Die for No Good Reason:
Foundations of Trophotherapy I

TFTI cover

If you’re reading this, you probably know more than most that something is wrong. Too many of us are getting sick, living in poor health, suffering from disease, and even dying before our time—for no good reason. We just forgot how to eat. The truth of this has been known for decades, and it’s been […]

SRP Releases Second Book in Applied Nutrition Series

TFTII cover

What if we told you that the nutritional debacle of the modern American diet was predicted—with frightening accuracy—more than half a century ago? Would you file it under Oh well and get on with your day? Or, after you picked your jaw up off the floor, would you demand to know why those warnings were […]

Meat Stock and Bone Broth:
You’re Doing It Wrong

Meat Stock and Bone Broth cover

If you or someone you care for is on the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet, you could be dealing with a problem that you don’t even know about. The result could be a slower recovery, aggravated symptoms, or other unhealthy consequences. But don’t worry—chef, teacher, and author Monica Corrado is here to fix it. […]

Teaching Kids How to Live and Cook the “Nourishing Traditions” Way

Nourishing Traditions children's cookbook

Nourishing Traditions—part cookbook, part phenomenon—inspired half a million people to return to the wisdom of traditional human diets and start eating healthfully again. The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care gave pregnant mothers, as well as moms with newborns and children, a comprehensive guide to valuable holistic nutrition and advice on everything from […]

Introducing New CDs from Selene River Press

CDs new to SRP

Selene River Press presents new CDs from two big names in the fields of herbal medicine and veterinarian practice: Lee Carroll, BSc, BHSc (WHM), and Dr. Tom Cameron, DVM. As a leading member of the MediHerb team for over 20 years, Lee Carroll bolsters his unique insights into the clinical application of evidence-based herbal medicine […]

Men in Kitchens Recipe:
Grilled Pizza

Grilled Pizza

The game is on in a few hours, and you’re craving the ultimate in savory game day treats: a journey with Italy’s finest invention—no, not the Ferrari—the pizza. Do you reach for the phone and dial up your local fast food pizza delivery joint? Hell no. That sorry, soggy slush of oil, cheese, and (hopefully) […]

New to SRP
Chinese Medicine: Clinical Reference Guide

Chinese Medicine

At Selene River Press, we know that traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in healing for centuries. And when we consider the ever increasing popularity of herbal supplementation and acupuncture protocols, it’s easy to see how this vast body of knowledge has influenced Western medicine for the good. That’s why we’re pleased to […]