Tag Archives: holistic health

Anxiety and Fear: What If They’re Caused by Bad Habits?

I can just see every psychiatrist, psychologist, and even many holistic practitioners wondering if I’ve gone off the deep end by introducing the idea that maybe, just maybe, the excessive and sometimes irrational anxiety and fear experienced by millions of people in our society could be caused by a set of really bad habits. Yes, […]

Isn’t Sweating the Pits?

It’s summer. It’s hot. And you’re sweating. At some point your inner voice may pose a very serious question: “Isn’t sweating the pits?!” You may be thinking that was rhetorical, but there actually is an answer to the question, and it’s twofold. In one sense, yes, sweating is the pits, though not nearly as “pittish” […]

Instead of Opioids: The Best Life-Coping Herbs to the Rescue!

After watching a particular broadcast regarding our current opioid epidemic, it occurred to me that holistic practitioners need to step up and recognize the incredible amount of chemical substances people are taking as if they had no side effects. I simply have to ask what we can do to help. The sad part of this […]

The Biggest Little Thing You Can Do for Your Plate

My brother was visiting last weekend, and I noticed he had slimmed down quite a bit. He’s never been a large person, but the change was obvious. When it came up in conversation, he mentioned he’d had some nagging health issues he wanted to get the upper hand on. So he made some changes and […]

Butter: Delicious and Wonderfully Nutritious

Parents always have fun stories to tell about their kids, and my parents are no exception. In their favorite story about me as a baby, I’m a little Houdini. At not even two-years old, I’d already mastered the art of escaping from my crib at night, no matter what my parents did to keep me […]

Secrets of Healthy Eating from a Holistic Nutritionist

In these modern times, eating and living healthy can be extremely challenging— sometimes it even seems impossible. With all the processed convenience foods that are readily available in grocery stores, it can be quite difficult to choose the most suitable and healthiest foods for you. Understanding nutrition in general is very confusing—minimize a little bit […]

Still Not Convinced You Should Change the Way You Clean?

If you’ve been waiting on a particular study to come out that would finally get you to move away from mass-produced cleaning products, a group of scientists at University of Bergen in Norway have just done you a huge favor. As reported in Newsweek, the researchers of the study offered the startling comparison that the […]

The Anti-Anxiety Nutrition Plan

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the United States. Over 18 percent of people suffer from it, but very few actually seek treatment. Do you occasionally suffer from anxiety? If so, how do you deal with the symptoms listed below? Is there any hope for improving or even eliminating them? […]

Health Benefits from Cutting Out White Sugar

Sugar is a substance that’s almost impossible to avoid these days because it’s added to so many food products. Sugar is a source of calories that our bodies use as energy. And if we consume sugar from whole, unprocessed foods, it contains nutrients that will be better utilized by the body. Refined white sugar, however, […]

Natural Remedies: 5 Herbs & Spices for Daily Health

Imagine that tomorrow you wake up with a terrible fever and sore throat. Your first instinct is probably to check the medicine cabinet for something that hasn’t yet expired. Either that or you head straight to the local drugstore for your tried and true flu-zappers. But when it comes to health today, many people are […]

4 Ways Therapeutic Massage Can Support Your Wellness Journey

Holistic massage is an excellent healing method that’s been around for centuries in many cultures and countries. Touch is natural. It comforts the human reaction to stress and pain, conveying support, calmness, and compassion. Have you experienced that post-massage feeling? Your body is relaxed. Your mind is clear. If the occasional massage can make you […]

Medical Hypnotherapy: The Unique Ability of the Subconscious Mind

During a recent sit-down with a good friend, I told her about some bad dental bridge work on a lower left molar some fifteen-plus years ago that left me with a consistent, never-ending pressure and a stinging, gnawing sensation in the tooth. I explained that even though I’d seen many dentists, visited my MD, and […]

Natural Ways to Relieve Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects between 10–15% of the population, making it one of the most common digestive issues people experience around the world. Symptoms of IBS include abdominal or stomach pain, cramping, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, and heartburn. Although all of us may experience some of these symptoms on occasion, people with […]

Know Your Alternatives: The Many Options for Healthcare

One of the hottest hot button topics out there is alternative medicine. And most of us aren’t exactly wishy-washy about our opinions—we either believe in it or classify it as voodoo medicine. Heck, the very idea that nutrition can heal our bodies and minds has led to heated conversations and strong resistance from people I’ve […]

Spring Is Here! Cleanse and Detox

Why detox? Research suggests that many health problems are associated with prolonged exposure to various toxins in our environment, which can overburden our system and result in “dis-ease” or feelings of un-wellness. Who should detox? Everyone! All of our bodies produce toxins during the process of digestion and elimination, and when we fight infection and […]

My Body Doth Stink! The Psychological Effects of Bathing

I recently read an old article from 1988 that discussed the efficacy of cleansing our minds and spirits of possibly long-forgotten peccadilloes, regrets, and resentments. The author effectively explored the subject of confession by cleverly comparing it to the cleansing of our inner self, just as we must give our outer self a physical bath. […]

Keep Your Gallbladder!

What is the gallbladder, anyway? Why is it important? I know a lot of people whose gallbladder made them so sick they had it removed. My own doctor says I should do the same. For being such a tiny accessory organ, the gallbladder is a big deal. I’ve never believed that human bodies have “spare […]

A Different Kind of Exercise for Heart Health and Beyond

Was one of your resolutions this year to become more physically fit? It was for me. You haven’t fallen off your resolution wagon, have you? I know I haven’t, and we’ll assume you still have the drive and desire to achieve what you set out to do too. We’ve got this. As you get into […]

Music to My Ears: The Healing Effects of Mozart

I find it interesting that in our pursuit of optimum health and our efforts to resolve lingering pain, anxiety, or hopelessness, we don’t take a serious look at the profound, healing effects of music. Not just any music, but music that’s been proven to help resolve many of our physical, mental, and, yes, even spiritual […]

Are You Buying or Renting Your Probiotics?

What are “probiotics”? They’re living organisms (friendly bacteria) that need a conducive environment in order to grow and become self-sustaining. If the environment of your intestines, sinuses, and/or vaginal tract isn’t conducive to friendly bacteria, you’ll always “need” probiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently defines probiotics as “live micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate […]