Tag Archives: whole food nutrition

Reasons to Eat a Whole Foods Diet

Processed foods today—fast food, frozen meals, “boxed pizza kits,” BPA-lined soup cans, canned vegetables, canned fruits, and other convenience foods—are not only loaded with dangerous chemicals and synthetic preservatives, they’re also lower in nutrients, likely to be packed with insulin-spiking MSG and other unhealthy flavor enhancers, and don’t supply the crucial vitamins, minerals, and other […]

Southern-Style “Sort of” Succotash: Success Secret and Healing Benefit

I’m sure some of you may be wondering why I call this dish “sort of” succotash. In my house, we just call it succotash, but I added this disclaimer purely so that the succotash purists will give the recipe a try. It’s “sort of” succotash because I omit one ingredient crucial to true succotash: lima […]

Why Eating and Living Organic Is Important

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade, you’ve probably heard about organic products. These days, all-natural formulas seem to be everywhere—from food and cosmetics to clothing, transportation, and cleaning supplies. Because of the far-reaching benefits an organic lifestyle offers, making the sustainable switch in all aspects of life may be the […]

Eat Your Way to Mental Health

When facing mental health issues, we often turn to lifestyle changes such as stress reduction and meditation. While these tools can play a very important role in your recovery, they shouldn’t overshadow one of the most important things you can do for your mental health—eat for your brain. Brain health and mood stability are dependent […]

Did You Say Canned Butter? I’ve Something New to Share with You!

A while back, I wrote a blog post titled “Hard Times Are a Comin” about the importance of being somewhat prepared in the event of a short term local or national disaster. It received a good deal of attention, which signaled to me that this is a subject very much on people’s minds. I specifically […]

Grilled Steak with Thai Basil Pesto and Cucumber-Snow Pea Salad

As I write this, it’s a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning. I’m in the tail end of my vacation hangover (you know, that somewhat blurred period between “responsibility-free” and “real life”) and in the midst of the subsequent lapse of time, space, memory, routine, and full brain function. The trip back home to British Columbia was […]

The Perfect Final Lesson of Summer

Unbeknownst to me, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics declared August “Kids Eat Right Month” four years ago. While it’s essential for kids to eat well year round, prioritizing it for an entire month can be just the right catapult to making it actually happen. It seems the perfect final lesson of summer before your […]

Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Muffins

I’m writing this article from a little breakfast nook, cup of tea in hand, at my mum’s house back in British Columbia. Finally starting to settle in and regain my energy—and sanity!—after the long, arduous journey, including sixteen hours of delays and rerouting from cars to planes to ferries. A challenging situation for any average […]

Raw Milk Awakening! Important, Exciting Facts You May NOT Know

My sense is that we can now find more information on raw milk than at any other time in our history thanks to Sally Fallon Morrell of the Weston A. Price Foundation. It’s even possible that many of you are tired of hearing about raw milk since it’s been written about in so many blog […]

Know Your Alternatives: The Many Options for Healthcare

One of the hottest hot button topics out there is alternative medicine. And most of us aren’t exactly wishy-washy about our opinions—we either believe in it or classify it as voodoo medicine. Heck, the very idea that nutrition can heal our bodies and minds has led to heated conversations and strong resistance from people I’ve […]

Signs of the Times

As our world advances, so too do the issues we deal with on a regular basis. Most of us are aware of the health concerns associated with sitting for too long. After so many years of the Standard American Diet (SAD), we know how important it is to get (and keep) our blood sugar levels […]

Cornmeal-Crusted Fish with Spicy Herbed Remoulade Sauce

Last week, I was given a bag of fragrant, native, yellow stone-ground cornmeal from Anson Mills with the request that I “please make something out of it.” Well, of course the first thing that came to mind was cornbread. But anyone who knows me knows that I like to take the road less traveled and […]

A Fun, New Way to Use Those Leftovers

Wouldn’t it be great if leftover night were the most anticipated meal on your weekly menu? Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Our boys only have to hear the word leftovers before they’re suddenly certain they can do without dinner. For some reason, simply warming up the same thing we had the night before last […]

Dinner from the Sea: The Ultimate Youth Serum

Are you like many cooks who rarely, if ever, grace your dinner table with the treasure trove of foods from our majestic seas? This very thought came to me recently. After rereading my own blog post about the nutritional promise of ribonucleic acid (RNA), a nutrient often touted as a special youth serum that’s abundant […]

Hold the Mayo!

Mayonnaise. Mayo. A favorite condiment in the U.S. of A. You’ll find some Hellman’s or Kraft in just about every sandwich shop, burger joint, and refrigerator. But unfortunately, mayo is no longer a healthy option for us. Read on to learn why. The Original Mayonnaise There are conflicting opinions on when and where mayonnaise (originally […]

Who’s Making Our Food Choices?

We know things can change in the blink of an eye when it comes to the foods we should put in our shopping carts and the foods we should leave out—at least according to the powers that be. Only recently, we learned how the sugar industry funded research that falsely portrayed fat as the demon […]

The Grounding Diet!

Ever feel out of your head? Out of your body? Ever been called an airhead? Unable to concentrate? Unable to focus? Spacey? All of this is the opposite of being grounded. As the word suggests, to feel grounded is to feel stable in your body. Fully present. Able to focus and think clearly. Think of […]

Therapeutic Foods from the Hive: Lacking Energy? Try Royal Jelly

What started out as an average morning slowly became one of those days that made my eyes droop by 9:00 a.m.! I was in one of those scary zero-energy zones where all the willpower I could muster did nothing to help me face all the necessary tasks that lay ahead of me. This is frequently […]

Perfect Beans at 5,000 Feet!

I love me some good beans! Don’t you? Beans, beans, good for your heart…the more you eat, the more you (should not) experience flatulence! Beans, when prepared well, are chock-full of nutrients. We have heard for years that the proper combination of beans and grains can provide an inexpensive protein option. They are also versatile […]

Eat to Your Heart’s Content

A content heart is one that you take care of on all levels. You recognize and deal with your emotions in a constructive way. You engage in physical activity to get your heart pumping so often that it’s a common occurrence. And last but absolutely not least, you give it all of the nutrients it […]